Numerology/Astrology for 8/11/20
8/11/20 is the number 5.
If you add the 8 + 1 + + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 14.
1 + 4 = 5.
When you take the power of the individual (the number 1) and use our desire to find commonality and connection from a place of neutrality and observation (the number 4) you begin to get the physical changes necessary for innovative change towards a common good (the number 5). While we are on a path towards a higher connection and calling for humanity, there are always those that resist any change or forward progression. Yes, change is difficult, awkward, and stressful. But it is the way of this world. Every day is followed by a new day. Every moment leads us to another experience. That is the joy of this reality. It is designed to help us grow. Growth is always about changing from one form into another.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon in Taurus attempts to keep our feet firmly planted on the ground. Be gentle with yourself and others. Many are also emotionally overwhelmed.
Mercury is going into a creative space with Neptune and you may want to connect to your spiritual self in new ways. Your dreams may be very active and the desire for romance …. strong. The last one might be difficult in a Covid quarantine but for those already in relationship you might want to go on a romantic picnic or a candlelight dinner on the porch. Make your favorite meal and dessert. Drink the special bottle of wine together.
The Sun is quincunx to Jupiter and it is going to do the same with Neptune shortly. Then it will repeat again on Friday and Saturday. This pattern makes people feel as if they are in a dilemma and searching for an elusive answer or feeling. Many things are in flux and you are going to make many constant small adjustments throughout this week.
There is a way to find what you seek but it will require more change. And “change” is becoming a dirty word right now.
The world continues to spin around this global crisis of consciousness. You need to stay sane and calm in the middle of it all.
Do something kind for others.
Remember to take care of yourself.
Don’t start anything major right now.
Just finish up what is on your plate instead.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Did you ever think that when you win,
All you have done is make yourself begin again?
Did you ever love in such a way,
That you realize that life is the greatest give away?
Did you ever discover a place so true
That you had no excuse but to be your best …. you?
~Suzanne Wagner~
Regardless of circumstances each of us have to do what we believe is the right thing for our soul, our family, and our world. If something does not work for your soul, I guarantee you that it will not work for your family or this world.
Humanity runs a race initiated by the ego.
It is an endless marathon that is designed to break you again and again. When you allow the ego to make the choices and decisions that your soul is supposed to decide, those choices will only lead to more chaos, uncertainty, fear and self-doubt.
The ego will endlessly propose things that insinuate that you will be good enough only if you do the mind’s litany of steps.
The ego is tricky. That ego knows that those steps lead to only more steps. And the more steps the mind creates … the more the ego implies that you are not good enough yet ….. And that ego says, “Maybe you will succeed next time with another set of steps!”
It is a race designed to make the only winner, the ego itself.
You become a puppet dancing for your survival as bullets are shot at your feet again and again. You are afraid to stop the race. You are afraid to stop moving. You are afraid that you will fail.
In stepping into the dance in the first place, you have allowed yourself to be played and you became a player in that game.
You have to be willing to lose.
You have to be willing to stop the incessant mind chatter and listen to what your soul is prompting you to do.
You have to learn that the mind does not have the answers for the soul.
That is because this whole belief and illusion that you are not enough …. is such hogwash!
While you are an evolving soul, that soul is whole, beautiful, and perfect right now…. Just as it is.
It is the illusions of the mind that point out the deficiencies.
But those weaknesses are not weaknesses.
They are inexperience.
You can do anything you put your mind to. You can learn anything. Yes, it might take time and effort. But you are designed to be a highly skilled and evolving being.
There are some limitations that are causes by this body and its genetics. But this will not be the only body you will ever have, nor will it be the only one with this particular configuration of DNA.
This body and incarnation is designed to give you some skills and tools that will allow you to reach into those places that you have not yet cultivated and move them through trial and error to a highly developed skill set.
Do not be afraid of any growth.
Do as much as you can into the areas that are unusual and different.
Try all art forms. Play music. Write stories. Discover what is hidden beneath the ridiculous limitations that your own mind has imposed.
That is where you will discover, that it is you that is the undiscovered country.
~Suzanne Wagner~