Numerology/Astrology for 8/31/20
8/31/20 is the number 7.
If you add the 8 + 3 + + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 16.
1 + 6 = 7.
The Number 7 reminds you that if you are clearly defined in your strategy in life then there will always be others that want to make you a target for their plans and manipulations. If you know who you are … you are harder to manipulate. It is when you are still locked in the patterns of needing to belong to a group or process that you are vulnerable on a very basic level of consciousness to the manipulation and agendas of others.
Belonging is important when you are seeking to define who you are and what values mean the most to you. Once that is established you step beyond that place and discover your own courage. Then you allow that to motivate you further in your journey of self-discovery.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
All day we connect on a social and rebellion level with the Aquarian Moon. It is the reminder that you can be ordinary or extraordinary. You can be conventional or a maverick. This Moon points to the need for greater equality and freedoms for the people. Never forget that it is the very normal people that take on things that others see (down the road) as amazing. There are not “perfect” people destined for greatness. They are regular people who see something and decide to stand up and do something. Often fame is pushed upon them and they realize that they need to be and do better to hold a standard of excellence and to be someone that others look up to.
Within everyone is a hero or heroine.
Under the right circumstances and situations those that can and will, rise up to lead. That does not mean you will not feel self-doubt or guilt. That does not mean that problems will not seem to want to thwart your every intention. It just means that you make a choice to not stop. To not stop, that “thing” needs to be something that means a lot to you. What is something that means a lot to you right now? And are you ready to do something about it that can catapult you into another expression of who you really are in this world?
The Sun and Chiron are calling for those that are ready to awaken to serve a greater cause. This could be a powerful moment if you are willing.
If it feels as if things are a bit choppy and unsettled … you are not wrong. Things feel off and unnatural. Do not let this energy make you doubt yourself or your positive convictions.
Opportunities are on the other side of doubt.
Mercury and Pluto trine and you want to use this temporary deepening insight to psychologically expand your understanding of who you are right now in this world.
Know that there are many that are trying to devise strategies to hide messages to twist the minds of the weak to perform atrocities that cripple our world. Don’t let yourself be one of them.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Opportunities are on
the other side of doubt.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I felt death come in and stalk me today.
Not in a way that I felt fear or dismay.
But a check in of sorts, just letting me know.
But know what? I asked, “Is it my time to go?”
It was a hesitation of sorts. A hiccup in time.
A warning of something beginning to climb.
I remember the lives where I stood my ground.
I remember knowing I would not let my soul be bound.
I knew the cost of holding truth in times of hate.
I knew the deadly reality when you keep open truth’s gate.
I thanked the Angel for letting me know.
Something was coming and was beginning to grow.
I am ready once again, as I have been many times.
I can feel the earth shift along the cosmic lay-lines.
Will you be ready when death stands behind your back?
Will you resist or surrender as truth is attacked?
I know that life is but a blip in time.
What is eternal is my souls eternal chime.
That song of my soul will be sung millions of times.
In millions of realities regardless of the worlds crimes.
I sing a song that cannot be stopped.
I sing for humanity for love to adopt.
You can kill the body but never the soul.
My song will continue until the world is whole.
~Suzanne Wagner~