Numerology/Astrology for 8/6/20
8/6/20 is the number 9.
If you add the 8 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 18.
1 + 8 = 9.
To be complete (the number 9) you need humility (the number 1), you need discernment (the number 2), the ability to reframe the negative to the positive (the number 3), balance and objectivity (the number 4), grounded-ness and the ability to be fully present in the physical reality (the number 5), spiritual perspective and the ability to go within (the number 6), the ability to strategize and organize (the number 7), depth and the ability to process emotion (the number 8), and that brings us to the number 9 and the completion each of us is seeking at this time. Numbers are a progression. A process to understand and explore nuances of situations and circumstances. The key is integration of the previous lessons and allow for each to have their place and perspective. That is how you find clarity. That is how you find truth. I watch so many right now that pretend that they have completion, understanding, and certainty. But they bought into power without the perspective of humility (number 1). They believed what they were told without true discernment (number 2). They turned a blind eye to the truth and too the negatives and decided to pass the buck and lie (number 3). They chose to not be balanced and objective in what was being shown them (number 4). They were ungrounded in their body and not really feeling things in the “real” world but were living in their thoughts and beliefs instead of paying attention to that uncomfortable feeling in their body (number 5). They lacked true spiritual balance and moved from dogma instead of spiritual truths (number 6). They were living in a disorganized mind that could not or would not pick a strategy and use it to find the truth (number 7). They disowned their own wounding and trauma and allowed all that rage, exhaustion, resentment, grief, and hurt to make the choices and decisions for them instead of coming from a balanced mind and perspective (number 8).
It is hard to navigate this complicated world. It is especially hard when the circumstances demand that you have such balance internally that you have the tools handy to navigate such a demanding time. What this has exposed is the internal and external imbalances that were within each of us. Showed us what we have been avoiding dealing with. And showed us in a graphic way that is more clear than it has ever been. While you can still strive to be unaware. It becomes harder each day to do so. And no matter what, while waking up is hard to do, not waking up will add to the prolific suffering happening in this world.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Thursday which will help calm the world down. At least I will cross my fingers and hope for that. The Pisces Moon is encouraging and right now that is a very helpful thought. It is a good day to help others, make a few sacrifices and walk away from things that are uncomfortable. You finally might get a decent night of sleep, have profound dreams, and powerful insights. Pay attention to what might come in and know that sometimes the universe is giving you clues and insights as to what is going to happen and what is needing change in your subconscious.
With a Sun-Neptune Bi-quintile you might feel a bit better than you have in a few weeks. While you want to have faith in someone or something, please put your faith in yourself. You have access to information that is massively coming into your sphere and with that you can be more ready and prepared for things to come. The spiritual world and the imagination are working together to give you the elements that you need to pursue the next level of growth necessary.
~Suzanne Wagner~
is a symptom
of frustration.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Within the reality is connection.
A connection that is essential for all life to exist in this world.
Together our combined intention creates this telepathic agreement field and the love and connection between us all holds this precious envelope of atmosphere on this planet.
We all need each other.
This world is about learning to live in harmony with all of its vast diversity.
We are so much more than what we believe or perceive.
Because we interact with many things in this world constantly.
Yesterday evening, I discovered a frog had gotten in my house.
It was a very tricky thing to catch a frog that was leaping in Olympic proportions around my house.
He had some amazing legs on him.
In desperation and fear he peed in an attempt to escape.
I kept talking to him softly, pleading with him to let me catch him so he could go outside and survive.
Finally I managed to get a glass jar over the top of him and slide an envelope underneath him and get him outside in my lemon cucumber patch.
Our interaction protected his life. His life makes a difference in the world.
Me saving him and taking the time to interact even with his fear and natural survival instincts makes a difference in his ability to make more sweet frogs.
I need that frog in my world.
His life enhances mine and brings me awareness into his world.
My life learns to respect his life and attempts to protect it.
That is why we are all here.
To protect this world.
The more advanced the consciousness in a world, the more responsibility we have within that world.
If you can make a difference, why would you not choose to help?
You would naturally feel compelled to help if you are awake and aware of what is happening around you and recognize that everything is interconnected.
You will feel naturally compelled if you have an open heart and do not let your mind dictate your actions and reactions.
You will feel naturally compelled to help if you are still in touch with the heart you had as a child.
If she or he is still alive and well within you and believes that the inner adult inside of you cares and listens to them, that inner child will show you the way back to compassion.
~Suzanne Wagner~