Numerology/Astrology for 8/8/20
8/8/20 is the number 2.
If you add the 8 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 20.
2 + 0 = 2.
Breathe in … Breathe out … It is the way of all life. Expansion and contraction. We do it. The universe expands and contracts also. We are a part of a universal flow that exists in a constantly changing environment. While contraction is not comfortable in the least, we have to recognize that it is a part of a natural process and cycle. You have much that you want to accomplish but there are always those small issues the will crop up that seem to inhibit your progress. It is in the contraction that you get to re-evaluate your choices and fine tune your approach. Today is that day to do just that. You might have missed some key pieces of information. You might have overlooked the importance of something. Having a mind that can see a problem and make corrections is not an admitting of failure but a strength that allows you to align with the unexpected.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon drives forward in the aggressive and enthusiastic sign of Aries. Add to that Mars in Aries, can make an aggressive surge of emotions that when channeled improperly. Do not allow yourself to get overblown in your expectations. That is a sure way to get disappointed and then overreact. There are constant small adjustments that you will need to do along with twisted and new pathway that we are all walking. While looking towards long term goals is helpful if they are reasonable, know that short term goals will continue to be thwarted by circumstances. You will want to be direct but independent. Look at things from new perspective but to not push you others around.
Mercury and Venus run in parallel and that makes you want to talk to people, share ideas, and think out loud to help you solve present problems.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Those that intend to insult you
have an agenda to manipulate you.
If you can be easily insulted
you are just as easily manipulated.
Then you have to admit that you are
not truly free but being controlled
by your own ego.
~Suzanne Wagner~
We have all lived lives in other times and places where situations and circumstances did not go according to plan. You would be amazed at how often there is a curve in the manifestation waves of time.
That is because sometimes there is something that is essential that we need to learn so that later (perhaps in another lifetime) we will have the tools, discernment, and conscious awareness to use them wisely.
Mozart did not become Mozart in one life. You cannot be writing symphonies at the age of 4 years old without a lot of lifetimes of experience all working together to assist that manifestation in this one.
The same is true for all of us. Sometimes we have to fail in order to win at another time. Sometimes we have to live through terrible events to be able to recognize and warn about them in a future moment. Sometimes that warning is enough to wake up those with other tools and abilities so that history will not repeat but that the forces of good awaken in time to stop more evil from proliferating.
But how many times do we fail in order to learn?
How many times do we have to fail before we succeed?
How many times does it take for humanity to interrupt the telepathic agreement fields of this world in order to break free of karma’s grip?
The answer is … as many as it takes for you to get beyond reacting and into a place where you are able to observe human nature and know that you are more than this physical expression in this moment of time.
When the duality cannot entrap your mind nor ensnare your senses, in the dance of attachment, you can begin to break out of the karma game and into a warrior’s game.
In the karma game, you have no control and are being controlled by the fate, genetics, and past memories embodied in this incarnation.
In the warriors game, you take your own fate in your hands and with courage and confidence step fully into a life with spontaneous choice and wild abandon.
Which will you choose?
~Suzanne Wagner~