September 10, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 9/11/19 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 10, 2019Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 9/11/19

9/11/19 is the number 5. The winds of change continue to blow and so keeping your feet firmly planted in the ground becomes more and more important. In times of stress, you do what is right in front of you. You take care of your own health. You look after those that are in your charge. And you become aware of those in need around you. The number 5 day is a day to expand the embrace of your love and include others when you become aware of a need. If we all did that, this world would be a wonderful place to explore and express the deepest heart that we have within.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon and Jupiter attempt to make you have a short and comfortable moment. While it will only last through breakfast for many, it is a nice time to perhaps go out to breakfast with those that are of importance to you. There is a breath of optimism and positive flow.

There is growth and movement possible because of the Mars/North Node sextile. Obvious challenges come into harsher light. You see the distorted competitiveness that motivates the souls of the involved. You have a chance to reassess your direction and purpose. You see the doorway into a place where your soul is not lost or afraid. And if you are bold, you will take this door. There is nothing better than knowing that you are heading in the right direction. That direction is often not about the “herd mentality” that makes it comfortable for the masses. Stepping onto the path of truth and your own soul’s core direction is often alone. Only those willing to risk it all are ready for such a move. Because you may not win. But activating the freedom of the soul to discover, experience, and own their life is a powerful lure. It is in such moments that you are forced to let go of that which is dysfunctional in your own belief systems and step into the territories of emptiness and willingness.

While this is exciting it is also important to stay focused, grounded, and realistic. Don’t lose sight of what you want and what the possibilities are.

The urgency you feel is getting stronger as the Saturn/Pluto conjunction gets closer. You are going to need to be stronger than you believe is possible right now. So today, stretch your mind, heart, and soul to give you more flexibility. Only that flexibility will give you the capacity to move fluidly into this profoundly transformational time.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Another person cannot break your spirit.
You can allow your spirit to be broken.
But even then, the wholeness
of your spirit does remain.
Like a hologram that when broken
that still shows the totality of its being.
No matter how broken you feel.
That wholeness is there throughout
infinite time and space.
You cannot help but to come back
to the seed that is the self, eventually.

~Suzanne Wagner~







Today is that day. The day when a terrible moment in time came and impacted the United States. It began a cycle that we are continuing to unwind and understand. Some of it was very good and some of it triggered hidden fears. And those fears have now allowed a darkness within the souls of men and women to emerge.

The good was that in that terrible moment, heroes did what heroes do. Some tried and some failed to save innocents. It rekindled that wonderful spirit of America when we came together in a time of crisis and helped each other out. That cry for freedom and that feeling of being all in it together was wonderful.
In that moment, we witnessed that the Spirit of America was still alive and well.
But then there was that dark hatred that also surfaced. That projection of our fear of being attacked in our own country, by those that wanted to destroy the American way. There was a lack of understanding of another’s cultural perceptions of us and a lack of knowledge of their cultural belief systems.
On one level, it propelled some to really take a look at the religions of others and attempt to understand what was the same and what was different.
On another level it sparked a deeply hidden fear of the external world and that those “others” were threatening and attempting to destroy and break down the “American Way”!
In the later, there were those that needed to find all the enemies hidden in our world. They needed someone and something to fight against. They had all this anger that had been waiting in the deepest recesses of the psyche for a moment to exhibit humanities less compassionate tendencies.
To their horror, they found many enemies.
I believe that was another shock. To see perhaps what they did not want to see and that became a fear of great loss. Loss of power. Loss of a country that they recognized. Loss of control. Loss of representation. Loss of jobs, money, and status. And they believed a loss of the American Way and the American Dream.
Dreams always change and grow in accordance with the moments in time in which we find ourselves. Those dreams still remain.
They just are not entitlements.
Dreams are designed to be worked for. Those that are willing to do the hard work (not just for themselves but for the betterment of their own children and society) will be the ones to get that dream.
Opportunities are always for those willing to try. Opportunities are not just supposed to be because of the color of your skin, your connection to a society, or your connection to a religion.
The Divine would never be so cruel as to create a structure with such conditional rules. But mankind makes those kinds of rules again and again.
Live by higher laws rather than grouping together with others to defend a small territory of entitlement. The world is a wide and diverse place with infinite dreams. Everyone have such dreams. Allow others to reach for their dreams.
Make your life about supporting others in acquiring the tools so they can find and touch that dream in this life. Then this world would be a wonderful place, filled with hope, light, and love.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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