Numerology/Astrology for 9/1/18
9/1/18 is the number 3. The number 3 shows that momentarily you might be feeling better. While there are many things shifting around, it is that a bit of optimism is sprinkled into the day. Perhaps everyone is just so happy to be out of the intense heat of the summer astrology. I know I am. Indifference is lessened and there is a bit more stamina and concentration that is arising out of the muck. This moment feels like a seed that has sprouted and is reaching up towards the light and has finally pushed through the darkness and dirt and it begins to feel the warmth of the light for the first time. While this moment has also with it a lot of vulnerability because of the fragility of this new growth there is also an optimism mixed in. Let that enthusiasm make you grow and leap quickly into this uncharted territory in which you find yourself just like a plant that has very speedy growth at the beginning, so it can establish itself solidly before anything manages to take a bite out of it.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
September Overview
While we are not out of the woods, you could at least say that you are feeling like you have come into a partial clearing. The eclipses and Mars and Mercury retrogrades are finally behind us. So now, it is time to move on those projects and plans that would not go anywhere over the summer. There is a planet, Saturn, holding things back. As it slowly traces the intense effort that is going to be required as it trudges through the deep snow of Capricorn. Saturn has been retrograde since April. But Saturn moves forward on September 6th, helping you get to work on those long-term future projects and responsibilities. Mental Mercury is in Virgo September 5-22. this helps you to get organized and become more efficient. This is a great time for internal and external cleansing, whether it is your body or your house. There is a big harvest moon on the 24th that is going to challenge your patience because of Saturn. This moment will be requiring you to move quickly and be patient with others at the same time. Autumn equinox on the 22nd has a similar feel to it. Be willing to take half steps towards your goal. Running and rushing is not going to get you where you want to go nor is it going to be good for your health and well-being.
This month with Mars going direct and moving back into Aquarius, only to square Uranus in Taurus, there are equations that seem still impossible to answer. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are preparing to move direct, thus adding to the weight of decisions that are pressing about where are you really going. Venus will enter its shadow period and enter into Scorpio (where she does not like to be). We are all preparing for the retrogrades and shifts of October and into November of 2018. There is a building up in a way that if you are not feeling then you are completely numb. Your relationships, money, and current projects are all about to come into scrutiny. You cannot see how it will all come together. And whatever you think it will look like, will be wrong. So the way through is to stay open with your heart while calm and clear in the center of your own mind.
You have a strong emotional tone today that is reflected in your words. Your action come from a solid place of spiritual clarity and there is a glow about you. Emotional currents can take you away so recognize that you must learn to hold a tighter focus. You can have a more sustained type of confidence that supports follow through on a new level. Your clarity conveys conviction.
Just know that what might seem like a great idea might create a hidden misunderstanding with someone. So check clearly before leaping into anything. With that conscious commitment to healing you can build some bridges that had potentially been burnt. While you are trying to open there is a great deal of awkwardness also stirring up old issues. Be patient because you are making progress. This is a day where your connections with others intimately can expand. And those that you are connecting with have a karmic repayment or benefit. So this moment has come because of good and kind things that you have done in the past. Show restraint, be kind, and don’t obsess. You are making major adjustments to your core energy. Notice the insecurities and don’t allow them to control you.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Action separates the heroes from
the cowards, the achievers from the
complainers, the successful from the mere
dreamers, the happy from the envious;
separates those who rise to the challenge
of their goals from the haters who cower
in the shadow of stagnancy.
~Steve Maraboli~
Astrology for September 2018
Has there ever been a time when so much astrology has been like this?
Sure. But this fragmentation of our soul and physical self, continues. And the difficulties are hard to process. While there is serious stuff still happening and continuing to build, there is help from Jupiter as it attempts to bring things together rather than tear them apart. But Jupiter has his work cut out for him this month.
I did warn all of you years ago that nothing was going to be solved quickly. We are in a time of purification physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Venus is about to enter into a shadow period and is continuing to square Mars, which is going to bring up karma around money, property, relationships, etc.
Do you trust? Do you believe in the connection you have to the divine? Will that support what you are wanting to create? The fragmentation has been so extreme that you have wanted to escape the suffering. However, there is no escape. Now you know that for sure.
This astrology is trying to clean things up that really began in the fall of 2014. You were in a crisis there, but you had no idea how far you were going to have to trek into that dark cave of your soul essence. You lost a lot of energy in the stress and strain of 2014 and now it has a doorway to come back in. You really began changing in October/November of 2010. This year, on Oct 4th, 2018, Jupiter is going to fix and repair all the shit that got dug up in 2010 and magnified in 2014. You can reclaim some of that exciting energy that you thought was going to happen in 2010 but actually did not.
Jupiter semi-square Saturn. Semi squares are odd. These two planets don’t like each other. One wants to expand and the other contract. You think that you might get what you want but it is not quite there at the beginning of the month. It is like you are coming up for air, but you caught a bit of water in your lungs. So, as you come up, you want to take a gasping breath of fresh air but instead you get some water with that air and you are suddenly coughing and struggling to breath. It can be a bit frightening and in moments, you may question if you will be able to breath. You will because Jupiter is protecting you.
Pluto quintile Chiron in Aries. This is some deep inner soul searching and intense transformational work that has been coming up. By now you should have the realization that you can only get what you want if you are willing to change yourself. The old way of pushing your will onto a situation to make it shift the way you wish are no longer an option because life is just pushing back harder and with more force than you can defend against.
The result is that you have to change. You have to do it differently. You finally begin to recognize that you are the problem and that if you really want what you say you want, then you are going to have to radically stretch far beyond what you have known in the past.
When Mercury enters Virgo on the 5th of September, things will finally externally appear to be moving. Mercury is home. It loves being in Virgo and so it is ready to kick some ass. Virgo wants to figure it all out, get a structure in place, and then the following day Saturn goes direct. Saturn belongs to Capricorn, but it is a bit serious there and so expect things to get down and dirty. It is like you have wanted to build a new house. However, you have had no supplies delivered. You have been waiting all summer for something to show up, so you could begin and get started. On the 6th of September, the trucks pull up and now you can begin to do the job that you have been wanting to do all summer. And you are ready to get your hands dirty. Saturn is ready to go. You are uncovering some deeper needs in your life. The last 8 years of your life, there has been a lot of stuff you have had to swallow. The layers of time are revealing themselves to you and how and why you have been on this difficult path.
Decide now on Sept 7th to not freak out, nor escape the raw and real truth. You have to face things that you don’t want but you have to let go of regardless. You will not be able to throw your hands in the air and give up. You cannot give up. Don’t be a baby. Don’t act childish. You have some necessary things to do that are not what you want to be doing. But you cannot give up because you will lose all the energy you have created. In order to get where you need to go, you will have to restructure and yes, it is going to be hard and take time. I know walking away looks easier. But it is not going to help it will make it worse.
Venus has been in a shadow period but on Sept 9th it goes into Scorpio. This is a big aspect really even more important than Saturn going direct. Watch your money, properties, etc. This moment might be a problem for real estate. You might want to feel like you need to save yourself financially.
The New Moon in Virgo is positive so set your intentions and do a ceremony to help you focus the energy moving forward. But know that you may not be thinking clearly.
Mars goes into Aquarius on September 10th and it is going to square Uranus. By the 10th, you might feel like you are on a sinking ship. But you cannot get off the ship quite yet.
Can you find a way to keep going? Can you find a way to do the hard work to keep the ship from sinking? You are in situations that are not quite working out and it is frightening. To bring things together you have to recognize what is falling apart and deal with it. You are going to have to give up something. You are going to have to serve and sacrifice to keep things afloat.
On September 16th, do not do crazy things. This would be a terrible moment to lose your mind and attempt to do things that should not and cannot be done without big, horrible consequences.
September 17th Jupiter sextile Pluto will give you a chance to fill those empty tanks that you have been running on fumes. You get the power back that others have somehow taken from you. Somehow there are door that open. For each person it is going to look different. Things get more intense from here. You are going to have to have honor and integrity by the end of the month.
September 20th, Saturn will quintile Neptune. Are you trying to escape the reality instead of dealing with it? This requires no more slacking off. You recognize that you have to get your life back on track and no one else is going to do it for you.
Mercury is going to enter Libra on September 21st. It is going to be very speedy. But you have to think clearly before you choose an action.
The Sun is going to enter Libra on the 23rd. It is about upholding the contracts and agreements that you have in place. You have to be fair just noble and generous. You have to do what you agreed to do. Even if it takes more than you wanted or expected.
The Full Moon on September 24, this is about not allowing our ego wounds to become a cancer that eats you alive and destroys all that you value. You do not think things are going to work out. This astrology wants to compel you to do something crazy. But don’t do it. These types of aspects drive people insane and people die because they will do anything to win. Egos do not fear death. They see death as a vindication of the lie that has been believed by fear. But egos want to wreak havoc on the world. The choices you make during this Full Moon make you feel like the Universe has handed you much less than what you wanted or deserved.
Regardless, you have to stay level and fair.
Chiron retrograde enters Pisces on September 25th and that brings in even more extremes. You might be feeling like you are drunk and want to drive a car fast. But that is a really bad idea. Continue to have great restraint and control over yourself and if need be, stop and control others that are out of control and a danger to themselves or others.
Pluto goes direct on September 30th. And even more goes forward. You end this month looking at the choices you made, and you now have to deal with the repercussions of those choices. So don’t let the inner crazy side of your mind escape into the outer world. If you do, you will regret that lack of control. And the consequences can impact you for a long time. This is a month to do whatever you can to bring things together rather than tear them apart.
Venus goes retrograde on Oct 5th and that is again not a good moment. There is a great reveal in October. You want to stay tuned to the station rather than walk away and not find out the end of this story. You cannot make huge choices in September other than personal ones when you refuse to let your minds fears destroy what you have attempted to create.
~Suzanne Wagner~