Numerology/Astrology for 9/20/19
9/20/19 is the number 5. Hopefully my baby coastal redwood trees are showing up today. I will take pictures for everyone if they do. I ordered them because it has started to rain a bit here and it is a good time for them to root in for the fall rainy season. This is what I want to do in my number 5 year. Plant some trees for the posterity of this planet. Plant some trees for the oxygen that I will use up in my lifetime. Today, I am going out and taking a look at the places that these trees might get some light and enough water to thrive. I hope some of you do the same type of thing with me on this number 5 (earth day). Take care of something on this earth. A plant, animal, bird, etc. It is the love and caring that we give out to the world without any consideration of return or reward that assists us in moving our soul’s progression forward. I suggest that you take each number 5 day and touch the earth in some way. Appreciate all the life-giving support that Mother Nature has given you in this life. Appreciate the messages and magical moments that have opened your heart. Remember, all the animals that have unconditionally loved you throughout all the difficult moments in your life. It helps to be reflective because sometimes we are so focused on getting somewhere, we forget all the miraculous steps that the Universe provided to help us get there. You never really did any of it completely by yourself. You were never alone. You have always had support guiding your every movement.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon is in the communication sign of Gemini on Friday and Saturday. This supports more social engagements and those quick projects that you have needed to get done. You know the ones like cleaning out those kitchen cabinets and organizing the Tupperware. Or organizing that office and getting things ready for the taxes at the end of the year. Discussions are more interesting than usual.
The Moon in Gemini trines Venus in Libra. This is a great aspect for your family life. Do those things together that make memories. This is a moment to modify and adapt to your changing life patterns. This is a great thing to help spontaneous joy to fill your heart. (A much needed aspect at this time in history).
The Moon trines Mercury in Libra, making you quick-witted and focused in a rational and reasonable way. Embrace new things and all changes. Nothing will improve by contracting and resisting what is.
The Moon squares Neptune bringing the dreaminess of the Neptune in Pisces and a stirring of deep-seated emotions. Thoughts and feelings might distract you. Gently and lovingly pull yourself back into focus.
Jupiter squares Neptune. Today, you might notice that too much realism is causing imbalances in your faith in religion, government, and hope. For just one moment you would love anything that is not exaggerated. Spin has happened for centuries. But this spin is distorted beyond imagination. What is wonderful about that is there is no way a rational, conscious, centered, person can spin the spin in such a way to justify swallowing that whale whole. It would chock the life after you. And it is doing just that for some at this time.
Stay on your toes. Encourage others in ways that are kind and intuitive. Everyone needs to notice and feel into the suffering, fear, and challenges that the world is navigating at this time. That is how changes will happen that serve the greater good of all. Dedicate yourself to a cause or project that will allow you to leave one small improvement in the world.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Lies cost everything.
They take your peace.
They take away hope.
They cause some to
act in ways that can
cause regret for the
rest of their lives.
Never continue to
feed the lies of others.
Right now the liars
want you to react
and fan the flames
with your emotions.
Call out the lies even
if you are not heard.
Enough people speaking
out against the deception
can also change everything.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I know that as young people each of us have acted and responded in ways that now make us cringe. Right now in our world with so much information out there in this world of technology, the actions of everyone are out there for all to see. This is just a reminder to those youngsters living in this amazing time, you need to know that you have to be more careful than ever before about what you put out in the world.
I learned a long time ago in personal growth workshops in my 20’s that people have all done different things that they struggle with and are often working through as they mature.
I recognize that in many ways I have lived in a bubble and that my childhood (while not perfect) was more normal than almost everyone I know. Perhaps it was because I was so focused on Ballet from a very young age and I “literally” did not have the energy or time to even consider the normal rebellion things that most teenagers do.
My integrity and commitment had to be total to accomplish the things I did early on in my life. And that focus taught me a lot about doing all things with communication, care, consciousness, and with full responsibility to all choices and actions. My teachers in ballet all said, “No excuses!” To them, it was about not living your life from a place that you have make up excuses to explain your poor decision making and lack of preparation. That trained me to move from that place in all things.
Perhaps to some it looked boring. But to me, my life was filled to the brim with incredible experiences. And none that I regret.
Perhaps that is remarkable. But perhaps, you don’t need to do things that are incredibly risky to discover who you are. Perhaps all you need to do is become fully present with everything that arrives in your life.
Risk often allows you (through fear) to be more present and that presence makes you feel vitally alive. But you can feel alive without doing things that you might regret later.
I believe that is a good goal, especially at this critical time in history.
~Suzanne Wagner~