September 19, 2023

Quote/Poem – Nature Allows us to be Lost … So that we are Finally Found

Quote/Poem – Nature Allows us to be Lost … So that we are Finally Found

There are times in life when one can feel lost.
But life is about wandering until we find our way.
We are supposed to lose ourselves in life and allow life to reveal hidden paths that we have not yet walked.
Nature whispers to us and calls us out of our mental reverie.
It knows that our thoughts become an abstract state of absorption.
But it also knows that they are a dream that distracts us from becoming fully awakened to the powerful forces that are calling to our hearts.
Nature knows the power of standing still and bearing witness to this perfect moment.
We talk … but nature hears the calling of our hearts, not our minds.
We think we breathe.
But nature’s winds push more air into our lungs until it captures our breath and takes us deeper.
The trees witness our confusion and pain and offer shade and something for us to lean upon.
We cannot be lost in nature because all of life bears witness to our sojourn into its depths.
The moss softens our steps.
The Ravens watch over our progress.
The trees respond to our restlessness with the reminder that when one is still … that life will always find you.
A forest always knows where you are.
The ocean’s creatures recognize the shift as you enter its domain.
The winds swirl around you, wrapping you in its powerfully soft embrace.
You are never lost.
Nature knows exactly where you are.
Mankind just gets lost in its own thoughts.
We get confused by our own wonderings.
Minds seek answers to make sense out of what just is.
In stopping … we find that what we seek, is exactly where we are.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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