I listen for the sound of a long sigh.
I feel the heartbreak of a long goodbye.
Life is fleeting and sometimes too fast.
But it is the connections and commitments that can make it last.
In my family … someone is saying goodbye.
To their love who is trying to fly.
Off to another energetic dimension and space.
And he is trying to walk that path of infinite grace.
It is a pain … that only those that have walked it too.
Can understand … that it is something that must be followed through.
We can walk with them to the edge.
But we cannot leap with them off that ledge.
And as they fly away to another moment in time.
We cannot do more because the difficulty of the climb.
Took everything we had to get them there.
And now they must go back down that stair.
While he will feel that empty hand that no longer holds.
Another’s heart … the memories are pure gold.
We will all come together and warmly embrace.
Because the love is the glue that can carry us to the stars.
And the love that we share is a colorful bazaar.
One that holds the beauty and joy.
One that creates new things for us to enjoy.
~Suzanne Wagner~