Ukraine has been a land that has always wanted peace.
It has been trapped and not given what it needs.
Too many wanted its access to their Black Sea.
Much money could be made if their people would agree.
That is why so many have traveled through.
Taken from their land and continued to pursue.
It is time that this land that so many try to control.
Is allowed to find its way to become complete and whole.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The Ukrainian Flag
The colors of blue and yellow continue to wave.
A nation strong and with people so very brave.
The color blue is to show peace and how they reach for the sky.
A land that was so pure before it was defiled.
The blue is above and asks them to be calm and sincere.
They have been through much and will face all fear.
The color yellow is to show the spirit of great joy.
A light-hearted country that never tried to annoy.
The yellow is below and represents the fields of wheat.
They are the country that made the bread for Russians to eat.
This country was used and abused.
And now it is the center of all the news.
Pray for the people who have worked so hard.
They deserve better than to be Russia’s backyard.
~Suzanne Wagner~