October 16, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 10/17/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 16, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 10/17/2022


I have been an elf and even an imp.

I have danced with the fairies … even with a limp.

I have learned that the soul is always bright as can be.

I have been a guiding spirit and swum in the sea.

So much in life carries us on the winds of existence.
This density requires patience and persistence.

As I walk in this time a part of me watches and waits.

At the twists in the roads and at the many potential gates.
Walk with me while your karma seeks the tools I carry.

But your path calls … so do not tarry.

Look with longing at your own path ahead.

Do it now before you are too old and dead.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I have had a fabulous time with my husband’s friends from Montana and his younger days. Such a nice couple that is in the flow with each other, peaceful and content in the presence of the other. It is a wonderful thing to see. Being with another and feeling the comfort that such a thing allows is what aging is all about.

May I grow to be old and have enough support to feel at peace.

May I allow all processes that naturally arise as my life finally will cease.

Tomorrow comes and the dawn breaks anew.

Yesterday leaves and along with the karma that I have accrued.
What we hang on to does not define who we will become.

Not if I listen to my own heart beating like a drum.

Don’t let life pass you by.

Don’t give in or forget to try.

Be that old person whose smile is so bright.

That wherever one goes that others engage with delight.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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