April 24, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 4/25/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 24, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Most people have a dragon guarding the gate.

Most are hiding fear and hurt underneath their breastplate.
We are afraid of those things within that arise.

Certain states are impossible to disguise.
We love to hide what had hurt in our past.

We want to ignore insecurities that had been cast.

But we cannot escape when they arise in our mind.

They can take over and make us stupid and blind.

The hurt that was not processed or learned to be loved.
Must become seen, honored, and ungloved.

Behind those walls that others are not allowed in.

Is who we really are when we step out of our skin.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I recognize how tired I am at times.
I care about life in the face of terrible crimes.
I know that I cannot do it all or protect those that are too weak.
I know that so much in our world seems horrific and bleak.
But I cannot stop trying to give a small beacon of hope in a world going dark.
I know that within each soul is a powerful spark.
That spark of the divine lives within each soul.

Learning to allow that to grow in this reality is the goal.

Perhaps as we move into another time and place.

We will finally learn to move with more compassionate grace.

Until then I will wait and watch.
As the angel of death looks at his stopwatch.

There is a limit of time for things to shift.

And once that is over and life becomes adrift.

That is when we will not be able to go back.

And this world will be taken on another track.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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