I watch and wonder at the tools that some unconsciously use.
I watch and see how some use words to manipulate and abuse.
Often both sides cannot or will not see.
That they are intending to go for … what they believe they need.
When we learn to look past the carefully constructed façade.
We learn that what instigates the greatest prod.
Is that need to belong and for another to appear to care.
Then nothing really changed … and former choices are sent elsewhere.
It is interesting to watch things unfold from a distant view.
And recognize that another’s persepctive is embraced anew.
Decisions move in chaotic ways.
Especially when attachments and emotions are ablaze.
When we look into another’s eyes.
All the fears are embraced as part of a disguise.
In this plane there is much to fear.
Because many things are not what they appear.
~Suzanne Wagner~
A tsunami is coming from far away.
Too often in life we refuse to sway.
While we were warned … of what is to come.
Some discard the truth and refuse to run.
And that is why not all will make it through.
As the waves keep rising and opinions misconstrue.
I see it all as I climb to the mountain top.
And watch those below drown and drop.
All we can do is warn and let go.
Most cannot perceive what they have yet to know.
Some wait too long before they see the wave.
Then it is too late to be safe in the cave.
I do not interrupt the growth and flow.
Of those on a journey to see their own rainbow.
While I watch and wait on the other side.
There are moments that we cannot turn the tide.
This wave will wash through and clear the ground.
And what will be left will have more ability to rebound.
~Suzanne Wagner~