Where do we go when the options are limitless?
We go towards a domain where limitation forces focus.
We land in a zone where those that eat and sleep.
Dream away the nights and toil in the density of the physical.
Passion builds when there is not enough time.
Then we are compelled to rush ahead before a bell chimes
~Suzanne Wagner~
My husband named the calico kitty, “Coco”.
She allowed me to pet her this morning and she seems to finally have stopped hissing and spitting. I seem to have won her over with plenty of food and consistent timing and behavior.
All cats are morning and evening hunters.
They wake me up at 5 am or sometimes earlier. I can hear them wandering into the “food zone”
I am so psychically sensitive to them that they will wake me up out of a deep sleep. They all seem to arrive about the same time.
I am sure they know me and my morning behaviors and timing more than I can possibly fathom. I think they have me figured out.
All animals, plants, birds, reptiles and fish are attuned to certain rhythmic patterns.
The difference is that they are often more aware of all the patterns within their sphere much more than humans.
The cats prefer to have a bit of peace and quiet in the stillness of the very early morning.
I am clearly a cat on many levels. Being a Leo, I easily can attune to that pattern as I have always been an early riser. I love the quiet of the mornings. I get so much more done and can check off many things on my lists that need addressing. That leaves more time to then deal with the normal stuff.
Mornings are my private time that I share with the other cats in my forest.
It is our morning meet and greet ritual.
The cats will decide to share some of their leftover breakfast with the ravens. But there is a game of “stare and stand, dare and glare,” that happens each morning. Each one knows the game.
They both (eventually) make a decision to share.
They are learning cooperation and playful banter.
Watching it, makes me realize what a great game it is.
After all, the ravens are as big as some of the cats.
We have very big ravens!
Yesterday, we managed to fix a spot in the fence that had a small retaining wall that was leaning and falling apart. So together, my husband and I took it apart and then put in 10-foot poles to stabilize it on the sloping hill and then putting in much stronger fence with the poles closer together because it is next to the apple tree and the bears are tempted to push their way through right there.
After getting all that put together, we decided that instead of constantly fixing the fence … we would put a bear fence in.
That is a wire that runs about 8 inches up from the base. Just at the spot of a bear’s nosey nose.
It gives them a zap that won’t kill them, but it makes things unpleasant. And bears are smart! They figure it out quite quickly.
I am leaving a section under the thorn bush open because that is where the cats come through and I don’t want to zap them.
We will see how it all goes.
But worrying about the fence constantly being torn apart is enough to make me give it a try.
I will let all of you know how it progresses forward.
Have a lovely spring day.
~Suzanne Wagner~