April 28, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 4/29/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 28, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


The sky is calling. Does she call to you?
She is showing us what could be if we remain true.

True to what this land asks from us to thrive.
It is time to look towards actions that keep us alive.

Nature is that force that always knows the way.

If one listens without despair or dismay.

We can discover that the path that lies ahead.

Is one that we can embrace rather than dread.

~Suzanne Wagner~


The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus seems to want to make us look at all the things that are making us uncomfortable. We are at a new chapter in life and this one will continue to surprise us with its unexpected twists and turns throughout May because of its relationship to Uranus, which is also in Taurus.

While Taurus wants financial security, we are gaining clarity through the constant upheaval of Uranus. I expect emotions to be off the charts for many and all choices and actions to seem more important.
Those that are resisting the changes will be in much discomfort under this eclipse.

This eclipse will do tremendous things to the Russian economy and that will cause a trickling down effect as this continued war and the shutdowns in China will have the effect of pulling us all into a recession.

Uranus plays a key role with this eclipse, and it intends to push us into revolutions and drastic futuristic innovation … quickly.

I know that what is coming is really going to be difficult to anticipate.
I pray for wild breakthroughs in medicine and the world turning totally away from oil.
Too many with powerful egos have had the upper hand in manipulating markets and governments. So now, I know that we are going to move towards more independent choices and personal preferences under the forces of these two powerful astrological events.

Expect to see more standing up for their rights. The unions in our own country will leap forward with demands and expectations that are going to shock the billionaires of the world.
The “Fates” seem to be in control of this bus and just know that the natural order has shifted wildly and will continue to do that for decades.

We may wonder, “What happened to the rules? What happened to the places that used to be so comforting?”

The past patterns are currently gone from our future trajectory. Many things seem new and unsettling. Things are quickening and being shaken up, sometimes violently.

While there are some positive aspects such as the Venus conjuncting Jupiter and both Jupiter and Neptune being in Pisces, and these aspects desire an increase in beauty, artistic expression and more pleasant situations. But I also remember that great art is often inspired by very challenging circumstances.

What I see is that there are many things that are empty and desiring to be filled. While nature abhors a vacuum, this eclipse cycle plans on filling in those places that have been waiting for something.

The Fate of our world stands on a precipitous cliff and many are making choices to push us off the cliff.

Rather than allow the fear to rise, causing us to go into resistance, decide to fly and leap into the new manifestations that are calling to us to change.
While Taurus bulls do not know they can fly, there is enough air energy to cause us to make leaps into new territories. Change is necessary and difficult for humanity. But change is the word for this eclipse, and it may just show up in ways that don’t just surprise us … but that may force us to go in directions that we did not anticipate.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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