Civilians die and the enemy tries to hide the truth.
Memories of WWII force us to become the detective sleuth.
What kind of monster kills without regard?
What kind of demon only kills and leaves all life scarred?
We must prosecute those who attack life in such a way.
We must learn to call out those who lie and betray.
The rules and laws that try to support a quality of life.
And take so much with weapons more dangerous than a knife.
On a global level we are at war with maniacs.
Too many get no consequence because of their money stacks.
I am horrified at what has become a war of attrition.
Stripping power and money from such people is our only mission.
Whatever it takes, whatever the cost.
If we do not stand together … all will be lost.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Doctor’s appointment for my mom went well. We are going to one of the banks today and going to get a new printer.
She had a printer at least two years old but replacing the ink was a total disaster.
Worst design ever for a printer!
And even once I got the ink cartridges in, they did not register … so the printer would not work.
It was a pointless process that also was a disaster, as the ink exploded as we put them in.
Unfortunately, my mother already had the negative experience of ink going all over her carpet, so this time we had paper down with cardboard. And it still happened! The ink was all over my hands and her hands … and even the carpet … again! Ugh!
Then we were rushing to clean hands with scrubby sponges, soap and eventually diluted bleach. Then to the carpet and trying to get the cyan color off her very light beige carpet.
A total nightmare!
So enough of that. New printer is the agenda.
Life is hard for those that we love.
We want their life to be a soft glove.
But as things speed up and we rush towards huge change.
Some that makes sense and some so very strange.
I will stand and fight for a world more fair.
And we are being asked to do much more than a prayer.
We must do something that calls to our true potential.
And realize that it is now so much more essential.
To come together and put stupid issues aside.
We have to stop those who hold the intention to divide.
They are the spawn of a demon that is loose.
They continue toward an agenda of destruction and abuse.
I will stand and I know I am not alone.
I am willing to let all who seek freedom to roam.
~Suzanne Wagner~