Everyone has a hero within.
Some carry it obviously and others under their skin.
Some do not know how to use the tools they carry.
Some react to others tools and become an adversary.
Support the tools one carries inside.
But do not blame others when emotions make one’s tools weaponized.
Everyone has a choice to be kind.
Goodness is not limited or carefully assigned.
We choose in every moment to become a better person today.
And reach for ways that we can portray.
The best that we can be in a world filled with jealousy and hate.
We learn to take all energy and find ways to create.
We are never as broken as we think we are.
But if we continuously focus on the memory of that scar.
We do not see that the wound was healed long ago.
And all heroes have scars that are there to show.
That while life can challenge us in various ways.
Focusing on the past only creates greater delays.
One cannot step towards being our best.
When we are focused on the past by being obsessed.
~Suzanne Wagner~
We continue to work on the fence and the garden. The variety this year is special.
Red Cabbage
Red Onions
Crookneck Squash
Anaheim Peppers
Green Pepper
Bok Choy
Sweet 100 Tomatoes
Early Girl Tomatoes
San Marzano Tomatoes
Lemon Cucumbers
I think that is the biggest variety we have ever had.
We put poles in for the new gates that include the electric bear fence.
Hopefully we will finish them up today.
I also redid my edging that had sort of fallen over in places. In the process of that I discovered the end of a waterline that was capped. Good to know for another time if we want to extend the water systems.
In a world that seems to be going crazy, grounding in the earth energy is helpful and healing for me.
So often we don’t have healthy ways to move chaotic energy or the mental energy that accumulates inside.
Fortunately, out here in the woods there is always another project to do and something that needs fixing. While there are moments when I wonder what I have gotten myself into, there are other moments that see this as perfect.
As we age, I think that we sit too much. Movement is the key to happiness and health.
Without movement we can get lost in the wanderings of our ego and mind.
And watching too much television only seems to be either upsetting or a form of brainwashing.
I don’t really do games online either because I watch so many waste their entire lives in patterns of avoidance rather than actions that serve.
I would rather sit in the hot tub and watch the hummingbirds, go for a walk, do some gardening, meditate, or write.
While I am sure I will have too many tomatoes to eat, it is nice to share with others and give back to the neighbors and friends.
At the end of this life, I want to see those things that I have accomplished in the external world as small but meaningful contributions to others.
It matters not whether others see and experience those things the way I have intended.
It only matters that we try to give from our best self and our best intentions.
Many will find fault with the things we have tried to do. But I know that the Divine is always watching. What is most important is what our intention was as we were doing things. And even if our trying seemed to not go as planned or the outcome was not what we had hoped … if it was done with the kindest of hearts and the best of intentions, I know at the end of this life that St. Peter will probably say, “Well … at least you tried!” Too often we are afraid to see past our own pain into the intent that was offered in complete kindness and care.
Today, notice the gifts that were given to you that perhaps you did not really see. Our past wounding will often project that internal suffering and overlay it onto others.
Know that what we were given by others is often all they had to give in that moment. Accept the gifts, let the past go, learn to move forward, and know that when we move ahead into the future that the universe offers, in the end all things make sense.
~Suzanne Wagner~