June 25, 2024

Blog – Balancing Strong and Soft

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 25, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

Blog – Balancing Strong And Soft

The most powerful thing I see in life is how to be strong and soft. I look at the great predators and see such tender care with their young. The show extreme patience and love. But they also have the ability to be very aggressive and they are willing to fight for life and what they require to continue to exist.

In nature and in the wild this balance is required for survival. Yet, in the human world, we see exacerbations of aggression just for the sake of being cruel. Those that see power as a way to hold clubs over the heads of others and they believe that when others fear them that is some sort of acquired respect.

They could not be more wrong.

Those that do not have the balance between strong and soft inside cannot manifest it outside in the real world. They move from a place inside that is filled with pain but that pain is disowned and comes out in various forms of disowned rage.

Notice if you have that natural balance inside between the strong parts of yourself and those very soft parts.
If that balance is not there, figure out how to cultivate both to be aligned at the appropriate times and circumstances. You will be happier in the end and everyone around you will be more at peace and content.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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