May 31, 2024

Blog – Contemplation for the Changes

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 31, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

Blog – Contemplation for the Changes

What a tremendous rush the Month of May was. I am sure I was not alone in that feeling. Many things began moving at a rapid pace, and we were all surprised at how much we managed to accomplish. Yet, in that hustle and bustle, the challenges were quite demanding not just of our time but also of our emotional and mental states.

As we have all made it through, I say, “Congratulations!” June brings us to a major turning point in our country and ourselves. The truths that we are seeking to find are behind the layers and layers of walls that used to protect our psyche, and that gave us a false sense of security and safety. It can be quite a shock for anyone who has been in the dark to see the light suddenly.

And while that is a good thing, it is important to give ourselves time to adjust. The old life we lived is gone, and now we are here to create a new one. It will be a fabulous experience.

I am filled with renewed hope and know that while it will be hard to make all the shifts that are going to be required of us over the next few years and decades, the resistance to change has clearly broken down.

The rules that condone good and socially acceptable behavior still apply even in this changing world. The darkness tried once again to win, but this time, it succeeded in showing us the places inside that were unhealed.

We had to go on a personal journey to find our own truth in the horrible things that life tried to throw at us. And not only are we still standing … we have let go of many old things that we were carrying and have lightened the burdens of our past and let many things be released and transformed into something much more aligned with our true selves.

To this moment, I say, “Thank you, Darkness! Thank you for making the shadow so clear that the only choice was to see its dysfunction and choose to be better than we were previously. Much is still going to be unraveled. Much is going to continue to be exposed. Truth has won this battle, but it is a war that loves to continue.

So, I say to everyone that put on their armor and sharpened those swords, do not put those tools back in the closets. They are still going to be needed. Perhaps even more than before.

But these swords are all about truth and finding a better way to live and support all life in this world.

The opinions of a few are collapsing in the cascade of truth-tellers that now have become so large and such a force that they will not be stopped. These warriors of light have become an enormous tsunami that is going to cleanse the land and take back the controls that were taken from them by manipulation, lies, and those with too much power and money.

There is much work to do and much to celebrate! I hope everyone enjoys this month. Take the time to slow down and allow the earth to heal what ails each of us. Let the warmth and goodness back into your heart. This can be a powerful month of opening, forgiveness, and understanding.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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