June 6, 2024

Blog – Garden Dreams

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 6, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

Blog – Garden Dreams

Slowly but surely, I am chipping away at many things. I manage to make headway on the small essentials that I want to create in my yard. I have more irises to pull up and separate and I did not know what a job that would be. I hope some will make it from the transplanting. I looked things up on the internet and know that I am supposed to transplant them in July, but I don’t do well when it is very hot. I am relying on the toughness of their roots to carry them through. I trimmed the leaves to five inches, just like the internet said, so they don’t need so much energy to support them re-rooting. I hope that my new placement will be a space they enjoy.

Strawberries are coming in full and sweet. I have finally created a system to keep the racoons out and for us to manage to have a few berries for ourselves. I am willing to share but the past many years we only got one of two that were ripe. The critters were winning the game.

I recognize that nature is smarter than me and that in the end it will win. But I keep trying to find ways to have us all work together.

Each year as my moods shifts so does my garden. It is a personal process that is in a constant state of evolution. I have learned quite a bit over the past decade of working on the yard and garden. I started out knowing really nothing as my family in Texas were never gardeners. We lived near a creek and there was a lot of shade which was not conducive to growing things and the slugs and snails were winning at every turn.

Here the seasons work well, and the sun is still bright yet cool in the mornings and evenings. The plants seem to like it and I am becoming more attuned to what certain things like and need to flourish.

Life requires us to embrace each learning process as it arises. Just because we were good at one thing does not mean that the universe will ask us to do that thing forever.

In fact, once you have mastered a thing, then the universe presents the next one. That is why clinging to the past is hopeless and a waste of energy.

Embracing each moment as it arises is the way we find purpose and meaning. Allow each moment to become full and ripe. Then let it fall away for the next flavor to take ahold of your soul.

I now realize that I am the garden. And I need to expand and grow, evolve and change. I need to be weeded every once in a while, and have good soil, water, and food is essential to my well-being.

Perhaps I am just one particular type of garden in the grand design of the universe. If that is the case, I want to be a magical, stunning garden for others to enjoy.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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