May 4, 2024

Blog – Gardening and Asking for Help

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 4, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

Blog – Gardening and Asking for Help

Yesterday I hired two great young men to help me with my garden. I am at the age when the hard digging is just not my thing to try. Age and illness are not for the wimpy. It can be tough. So yesterday, I took the day off work to direct them as to what needed to be done and to be out there with them.
It went well, and I was so grateful for the help.
But by 5 pm I could hardly walk. It was even shocking to me to feel that level of fatigue. My husband only got artichokes for dinner. That was all I could muster after making homemade cookies for the guys and homemade lasagna for lunch.
I went to bed at 7:30. A new record for me. And I slept till midnight, only to wake up hungry. I had forgotten to get any food for myself. Then I went back to sleep at 2 am and got up at 5:30. I feel better this morning but still like I got hit by a Mac Truck. I was reading a thing about Gene Kelly, and I put it up on my feed on Facebook. He said that he had to retire when he couldn’t leap up and dance on a table any longer. He knew that dancing was for the young and there are moments to gracefully retire.
I tried to do that with ballet, and I believe I left at the right moment on all levels. But yesterday, made me realize once again, the power and strength we all had in youth and the amazing amounts of stamina.
I have to chuckle because now I sound like my mother … when she says that in her head, she still feels 40 years old. My essence remembers being able to do everything and at least my mind knows I can’t do those things and I ask for help, and I am willing to pay for the younger generation to help me. It was well worth it.
Yesterday these great young men and I got done in one day what would take me two weeks to accomplish. Now, my mind can relax and I am looking out on a beautiful yard and a magical fairy garden I created in the redwoods. I hope you have a magical place to go retreat to and allow it to fill you back up again.
Last night it began raining here hard (which was why I wanted to get everything done yesterday). A good soak for new plants is perfect for them.
I hope everyone has a better day. I plan on trying to take it a bit easier. But now I realize that I have to clean the house. UGH! Living is a messy thing in this reality. It takes a lot of effort.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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