July 13, 2024

Blog – I Am Grateful

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 13, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

Blog – I Am Grateful

I have learned that the challenges in my life have given me strength.

I know my core because of the many ways this life tested me and forced me to go inward to seek the answers rather than become dependent on external validation.

I have learned how to detect truth from lies because of a strong, deep desire to understand the internal motives of people and how those fears and woundings twist them and their reality out of the natural flows of life.

I do not blame people because most are completely unconscious of the workings of their mind over the heart and their egos distortion of their soul.

Those that have faced the most severe challenges learn how to transmute resentment, hostility, fear, and anger.

I am grateful for every challenge and obstacle in my life.

I am grateful that I embraced each moment of success and failure as a lesson to make me a better person.

I am grateful that I did not believe the words of powerful people until I tested them for myself.

I am grateful that I decided to discover who I was and to respect myself first and foremost.

I am grateful that I know my intent and what motivates my heart, my words, and my actions.

I am grateful that I feel congruent about everything that I have done even when many things were painful lessons that needed to break down my ego and soften my heart.

I am grateful that I understand that an easy life is not what I signed up for.

I have had an amazing life and one that tore down the towers of illusion in my mind.

And after the dust settled, I realized that the most beautiful thing about my life was how the purity of my heart remained strong and unbreakable through it all.
I thank this body that has been so strong to carry me through it all. I have had a body that could feel beyond itself and into others, this world, and the magic that holds everything together.

I am grateful for my imagination that is constantly seeking new forms of expression. I am grateful that my imagination reminds me that there are so many other ways of doing things and that the options are limitless even here in this density.

I thank my emotions that knew there was always more to reach for, more to feel, and more to experience. She knew that there is something so special in sensation and emotional expression. She knew that my feelings created connections with my body that would allow my body to remember flight and light. My emotions could understand the language of my soul and all of them have learned to work together and in harmony.

I think that is the real goal in this life. To feel all the aspects of being working together. To learn to listen to what is needed in each moment and to set ego aside to allow for those soft and subtle messages to translate through the body, the emotions, the mind, and into the spirit.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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