October 15, 2024

Blog – Shifting Even More and Letting Go

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 15, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

Blog – Shifting Even More and Letting Go

I am coming to a place that will shift me into a very new space. I can see that our world is in a powerful place of transition. And while I know my work here was to be a way shower and to help many onto the path of love and kindness, there are those that cannot help but foster the projections of their own wounding out onto this world.

I have been coming to a place for a very long time. It began in 2010 as I walked away from Utah and moved to California. In that process, I knew that it was important for me to step back and shift my focus away from the familiar and to move towards taking more care of myself.

I have spent my life taking care of humanity to the best of my ability, trying to bring insight that can lead to a soul’s creation of more wisdom. I have worked to support critical thinking with metaphorical teachings and stories. I know that I have supported many in their journeys into new careers that have allowed them hope, breath, and wonder.

And I can feel how that time is shifting into another path, another way and another purpose.

I have said for a long time that if you feel some type of teaching calls to you, then you should jump quickly and not wait. Because the teachers out there with the heart and soul do not teach for the money but because it is something they are called to do from deep inside.

I find it so interesting that so many in the world are either so self-consumed with their own narrow reality, their own desperate needs for someone to see them, or their own projections of what is good and evil that they do not see the many gifts offered in love without any expectation of getting anything back.

I write not because I think I know everything but because I believe in sharing wisdom, stories of a life that show how to overcome things and bring back hope, and I believe that words are the essence of that spark of divinity that lives and tries to find a way to breathe in this world.

Currently in our world, we have a pattern that is so very dangerous to the freedoms that have been the American birthright for over 200 years. We have allowed something so very toxic to gain a foothold in the minds of those that cannot determine what is true and have no ability to express critical thinking.

What lies ahead is a type of healing that will require us to look at our education systems, our laws and those that we allow to make those laws, and to figure out how to take the lies out of the media and require more accountability for what someone says and does.

What I see is a long road ahead that is going to be quite painful for many.

Perhaps at 64 years old, I am just too tired from all the battles I have fought in this life. Perhaps it is my time to step aside and move from another place and perspective entirely.

What I cannot condone is all the hate that is being projected out and is fueling discord and strife.

What I know is that I have never promoted myself or tried to milk the social media for likes and subscribers. I figured that if someone found my website or blogs that they were ready to be open to what I tried to offer.

I have never put out any of my stuff out into the world with a hook of empty promises for money. The majority of my stuff is out there for free to those that find it of value to them.

Yet, I can feel the tide is turning. My moment to give my gifts this way is slowly coming to an end. My focus is moving more towards writing my books as I feel as if I have so many ideas and stories inside that long to get out into the world. I shift from teaching in a more direct fashion to teaching through the stories and metaphors that perhaps could open others without creating their inner hatred and their inner evil to lash out at the teacher that has tried selflessly to make a difference in a more personal way.

To those that cannot help but lash out in hate and attachment … I can only hope that somewhere along their path that they find peace and then recognize that I was never their enemy but only a reflection of their potential and that their actions towards me were a reflection of how they try to destroy the good inside them with all their own fear, damage, and internalized evil.

To those that know and truly care and that have been with me along this path for many years, know that I am always there to help in any way that I can offer.

I have one simple rule. If you cannot speak from a place that is civil, kind, and caring, you are not my tribe, and I support you in going on and finding where you belong. If you project your own issues and needs onto me and refuse to take responsibility for the damage you have caused in your own life by your own choices and actions, I am not here to be your punching bag or to be a scapegoat to the evil that lives inside of you.

At this time in my life, I look back on all the good I have done and all the selfless gifts that I have offered to this world and I know that they have made a difference.

And for that I am very appreciative.

As I come into the sunset of my life, I wish to go back into the things that matter most to me and that give me the greatest joy.

I will continue to write as it is my heart’s desire and destiny. The wisdom I carry now is so much more profound and deep than from when I was younger. And I also realize that fewer people can actually track what that might be because as evolving souls we are not ready to hear something until we are ready. I was not ready to be in this place until this moment. And I am grateful that I am here now.

For decades I continued to let go of needing validation from external sources in favor of finding internally what was true for me at this time.

Because of that I have separated from the mass consciousness, and I stand often alone … once again, the watcher of humanity, eternally hopeful that they can remember that love and kindness is the only path to peace. For those that find me, I am a doorway through the density into another potential that can bring hope not through the current places of false promise but from the place that the soul can remember the light that they are inside is eternal and that growth is the only way to become who we really came to be.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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