Blog – The Dragon in You
When you are courageous, the dragon inside awakens.
It cares not for the incessant fears of humanity.
The dragon longs for those moments of courage where one separates from the masses and stands alone because it is what is needed.
Fear makes the dragon inside fall deep into sleep. It then lives in your dreams, to give you hope that in another day and time you will remember who you are.
You see the dragon is you.
It is the part of your power that can only exist when doing what is right … is stronger than doing what you are told.
The dragon in you does not seek to belong, it seeks to remember and to embody that knowing in a way that makes a difference.
There are too many dragons still sleeping.
But those that are awake recognize each other by their eyes and how they stand up in a world that tries to beat souls down to control them.
When you can dance in the fire and not get burned, you are a dragon.
When you know that certain leaders lead their flock into an abyss with their words and actions, you are a dragon.
Courage opens doors that seemed closed and locked.
Dreams show you how to move through seemingly impossible tasks.
Trust knows that the cliff you find yourself on, is the test to see if you remember that you can fly.
And creation is the process that takes you away from the suffering and allows you to reclaim the softness inside your own heart.
~Suzanne Wagner~