October 11, 2024

Blog – Where Does Your Soul Stand

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 11, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

Blog – Where Does Your Soul Stand

I am sure many of us are feeling how sick and tired we are of all the lies and intentional manipulations that have been going on. I know that many good souls have been duped into false beliefs that make them lean into their worst tendencies, fears, and weaknesses.

Living in this duality is a constant game of choice. We can choose to lean into the best side of the human potential and to cultivate the goodness and compassion that can heal this world … or we can allow the darkness within to blind us and therefore bind us to the parts within that are unhealed, damaged, and want to blame others for perceived slights.

I am a creature of hope. I am solid and grounded like the redwood trees of my land. I allow my emotions to flow like the springs that come out from under my feet to give life to the entire forest. I recognize that I have a way of being that can touch and transform those that are ready and that have worked through enough to be able to see past the illusions of their own attachments.

And I know that human perception and understanding can only perceive things about a half level above where they are at. So often many teachers are literally invisible to those who are not yet open or ready to see past their illusions. And that is the way of things.

I wish for humanity to awaken to the incredible potential that can only happen when we work with each other rather than against each other.

It is a cause that I know I have been fighting for over lifetimes and centuries. I believe that we are at a critical point that this turn can happen. We will see if there are enough of those that will be up to the task to be able to turn humanity off the path of hatred, corruption, greed, and selfishness. We need an enormous mass of souls to long for what lies in their deepest heart to awaken. I hear the calling of those hearts. I feel the yearning for peace. I know it is possible. And now we will see if that long lost dream can actually become real.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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