August 3, 2024

Blog – Willingness and Capacity

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 3, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

Blog – Willingness and Capacity


The greatest gift a man can give a woman is his integrity.
A man is a man (and not a boy) when his word means something … and he is willing to back it up with actions and choices that allow a woman to completely trust him.

The second and third gifts that a man can offer are his willingness and his capacity to change, adapt, and move with the spontaneous reflections of a woman’s feelings and desires.

Women need safety more than anything. That allows women to give their greatest gifts, her love and feminine devotion.

I remember a teacher of mine said that women are so powerful that it is only through their expressions of unconditional love and grace that they allow men to think they have any power at all.

The feminine is a force of nature. She is a microcosm of the macrocosm of Mother Nature. Within her body she can create life itself. We owe everything in our world to the power of the feminine. She is the power that creates not just life but beauty, food, precious moments, and makes the difficult times in life worth the effort.

That is why to be that force of creation, she needs a man that will love her and allow her to be that spontaneous creative self and show his love with his willingness to grow as she changes, and his capacity to expand when it is required because she has outgrown that current container.

Some men make the mistake that women need to be contained because we get out of control. We are nature itself. We are the storm not just the beautiful warm spring day. We are a tempest not just the soft caress of our curves.

Men that try to suppress women will discover that they probably bit off more than they realized. Because a healthy woman will not tolerate such behavior. She would rather walk away and go it alone than bend into a shape that distorts her potential and damages her soul.

Yes, there are those women who were horribly damaged and inherited genetic traits of submission that cause it to be difficult for them to realize that it is okay to be that storm. But every woman has a line. And once that is crossed, there is no going back. She becomes a flaming sword that will cut away all that tries to hold her back.

A woman is her most beautiful when she is in such a state of being. She embodies the power inside and now will not let it go anywhere but in the direction that sets her free and allows her soul to fly.

A man that loves a powerful woman is a brave warrior on the road to a destination that is often unknown. That is because women do not always know why they need to go. They just go. They do not know where they are going. They just know that where they stand is not good enough and insufficient.

Powerful women want a powerful warrior to watch their back. Powerful women know that the masculine has an ability to organize the chaos of nature and allow it to shape into something new. Every woman inside … desires to constantly create and change. But there are some men that have not matured past being a boy wanting attention, love, and care from a woman.

While the role of mother is a wonderful place for each woman to stand, she does not want a mate that will not have the courage to try something new. A woman wants a man who she sees has untapped resources inside and that his capacity is much greater than he believes. But she must be careful to not project what she wants to idealize about him onto a man that actually does not have the capacity that she requires.

Men, it is important to understand that if you have only women friends then you have not completely matured into manhood. Men need other men to tell them the truth when they are off. The feminine will simply try to make things better. But that does not allow a man to grow through being tested.

Men are trustworthy when they have been tested in the fires that will stretch his capacity and show him that he is more than he realized. And men need to be willing to face the fires of the feminine emotions and hormonal states of being.

Women see a man’s capacity to shift and expand as sexy. She sees his willingness to listen and take what she is saying under advisement.

A woman wants to be part of a “we!” If you cannot do that then she is completely capable of being a “me!”

You see a woman does not need a man. She wants a MAN!

Being with a woman is a call to your higher self that it is time to rise up to some unknown potential that she sees inside you. If you believe her and believe in her, she will show you wonders you cannot possibly imagine.

If you are unwilling, you will eventually lose her because the call of the wildness in her soul will be stronger than your masculine essence that has not matured.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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