November 19, 2023

Suzanne Wagner Poem – A Poem Dedicated to the Soul Lindsey Stirling

Poem – Dedicated to the Soul of Lindsey Stirling

Lindsey Stirling! … What can I say?
My hands shot up to my cheeks with your diverse array.
Talent and magic filled the air.
A spectacle that was beyond compare.

We think that something cannot be done.
Until Lindsey steps on the stage and begins her run.

Wild and free she leaps … while she sings.

Her original music gives her angelic wings.

Her light is so bright that it captivates all souls.
Her deep heart knows how to move all the controls.
She loves this world with all her heart.
And it explodes out of her from the very start.
She is an alchemical poetess who carries a bright sword.
A Cirque de Soleil acrobat and musical overlord.

She sings like an angel just freed from earth to fly.
She shows an audience to forever reach and defy.
Defy those that tell us it can’t be done.
Defy those that tear us apart and mock our sun.

She has a soul that knew how to follow her own truth.
She knew she had something special even in her youth.
Now, she continues to stretch and explore.
Musical possibilities that others can no longer ignore.

Music to her is more than some perfect vibrato.
Her sound is important but not her life motto.
She is here to inspire us all.
She is here to engage and enthrall.

To Lindsey who played with all our souls and hearts.
Thank you for this musical jumpstart.
Refreshed and revitalized for the journey ahead.
We all feel more hope and much less dread.

Because if in this world there are souls such as you.
Then I know we can find ways to make love the glue.
You showed us that magic that still lives inside.
And last night I saw that you managed to turn the tide.

Everyone was happy, connecting, and feeling whole.
While that may not have been your actual goal.
It opened our eyes, ears, and hearts.
Because without a doubt you are the finest of arts.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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