May 2, 2024

Blog – Preparing for Beltane

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 2, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

Blog – Preparing for Beltane

Beltane was officially on May 1st. That day, the bees were swarming and following a new queen. I came in from doing some preparation for my celebration this weekend to hear a very loud buzzing that was so loud I could hear it through my double paned windows.
What I find so interesting is that each year, the bees pick this particular spot to swarm and come together. I assume there must be a larger nest somewhere close by and that the new queens come out and begin to search for a place to “bee” their new home. I consider it a great sign for my celebration that is happening soon. The land seems to be happy that we are honoring the goddess Hecate (Roman and Greek) and the other lovely goddess Brigid from the Irish and Scottish lineages. All are associated with water, fire, and serpents. Of course, we cannot have a proper Beltane without the “Green Man” or Belenus, also known as Cernunnos or the horned god.
This is the time of fertility, as we are in spring. This is the season to blend the masculine and feminine. We are in a time to come together a honor the duality in this world that creates life.

The bees are a lovely symbol of this amazing time, and I am grateful that they showed up to remind me that we have so much to look forward to and how persistent life is in this world … even with its fragility.

Honor this time and this season in your own way. Notice the bees beginning to pollinate the trees and thank them. Remember to appreciate the “creepy crawlies in our world as they are essential to make things thrive and be fully alive.
Put out some offerings for the fairies and the small creatures. Make this a joyful celebration filled with the passions of our ancestors and the potential of who we want to become.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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