March 8, 2025

Suzanne Wagner – Welcome

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 8, 2025Categories: Blog Daily

Suzanne Wagner – Welcome

Life is an adventure. One that we make with every choice and decision. The question is if we are willing to leap into those places that are unfamiliar and that will require risk.

That is why we study the stars, go to gurus, believe in healers, and study the mystical sciences in an attempt to understand … ourselves.

You see … that is the greatest adventure. And there are many here that hold tools, have abilities, and see beyond this domain into the potential within a person and within our world.

Currently we live in a time where the externals seem to make no sense. We are desperate to understand and to find a path … as that path is crumbling beneath our feet.

That is because we were not meant to walk. We were designed to fly. And as that ground underneath our feet becomes quicksand, we are learning to trust in something that is not so tangible. We are learning to trust in that etheric connection that magnetically draws to us … exactly what we need in order to move into the next evolution of our soul.

We live in a world of labels and opinions. But if we feel past all that, one can begin to sense the power that is authenticity.

The Dali Lama has the power and magnetism that only comes from knowing one’s path, having the courage to walk that path, and to support others with the tools he carries to find their own path.

While we live in a world filled with charlatans that want to take from others for their own needs, desires, wealth, power, and satisfaction, I choose to walk a path that holds the intention of becoming my whole and authentic self. Only then will I have anything of real value that can stand the tests of time … for others.

The path to walk is one that embraces our flaws, grows and learns from them, and is willing to make all necessary corrections when the universe points out that perhaps … in this domain of attachment we might have gone a bit off course.

I am here to be an example and a guide through the brambles of this reality and to show you that there is not one right path. There are infinite paths that carry the wisdom that your soul needs to grow.

I do not pretend to know … nor have I walked all the paths. But I have dedicated my life to seeking out those tools, wisdoms, and ways that could give support and encouragement to those brave souls that are willing to move into the unknown potential of their soul essence.

I am here as a guide and a teacher. I am here as a mentor and one that believes that the divinity inside your soul is alive and whole, just waiting for your ego to get out of the way so that you too can remember how to fly.

I have been given many labels that some have tried to attach to me, because those labels allow them to trust and feel safe. But to me they have always been shallow reflections of the vastness that is within me and within every soul on this planet.

Some consider me a psychic … or an astrologer. I have been a writer, a teacher, a tarot reader, a ballet dancer, and a palmist. I have created new structures around numerology and relationships that allow the complicated reality of this current time and place to make more sense and to give others something to hold onto. I have written inspirational poetry, songs, and chants. I am a soul that holds a door open for those that are ready. I am an angel sent to you by your guides and ancestors so that you can remember who you are and let go … so the lightness of your being can finally give you the direction that you so desperately seek.

I am a sacred tool keeper, but I am not attached to those tools because the tools do not have the power. They only have the power that we give them.

The gurus called me a “spiritual motivator.” On many levels that is probably the label that most applies. I am here to help you hear the song of your soul and play it back to you so you can remember and move beyond this density back into the light that you always were.

I am not a teacher for everyone. I am not here to tell you what you want to hear. I am not here to placate your ego or listen to your mind’s incessant demands and games.

I hear the cries of your human self and understand that deep wounding that often accompanies incarnation into this density. But I know how to put those to the side and listen carefully to the essence that called you to be here. I seek to know and touch that part of you that knew that this place was perfect for the next level of growth and understanding that you crave.

I want to help you find the keys that you hid from yourself until you remembered who you really were. I know that the most precious thing to witness is the opening of a soul to their potential. I know that this is a very intimate journey, and I know that such a powerful unfolding must be done gently and with great care and concern for the wellbeing of the whole.

If you are a soul that finds my words appealing and if you find yourself drawn to the resonance and vibration that I offer up to this reality, then I might be one that could help you move beyond the ego and into that pure divinity that is your star essence.

Such journeys happen only when the soul is willing and ready. Such journeys are what make my heart sing, and my soul to ignite.

I have loved this world in ways that consistently touch me deeply and I continue to explore the many nuances that intrigue me and attract my attention … drawing me ever deeper in.

If you have listened to and/or read this all the way through then you are one that is ready to dive deeply into profound tools of transformation.

Perhaps I am the one you seek. Perhaps I am just here to help you find those that will help you reclaim the music inside your soul.

What is clear, is that what lies ahead is a journey of magic and mystery. There will be times when the truth is hard to hear, and the path seems impossible.

But I am living proof that it is possible, and I know how to hold you in the light and show you that you have the power to believe in yourself.

I am not here to give you answers. I am here to show you the paths where you will find your own.

I cannot give you my wisdom. But I can give you the faith in who you are inside so that you can find your own.

While I use tools of the great mystics and psychics very comfortably in my being, the focus I offer is not in having you believe in my words but reminding you of the wisdom inside that is your own.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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