August 28, 2024

The Four Lessons Of Earth

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 28, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

The Four Lessons Of Earth

This world has a set of lessons that are required to be learned before you can transcend this reality and go into another.

Lesson Number 1 – Compassion
Compassion for all of life is essential for not perpetuating the suffering that is an intrinsic part of the karmic lessons we are here to learn. Without compassion our hearts get small and tight. The mind becomes narrow and sharp edged. And the body holds tension and causes disease and dysfunction. Compassion is the key to allow souls to move beyond the attachment domain and into connecting the physical world to the spiritual.

Lesson Number 2 – You Are Responsible For Your Choices And Actions

Blame is the game that humanity plays when they are clueless about this lesson. Blame will never allow the soul to see the joy in accomplishment. Nor will it allow the dreams in a soul to manifest. When you claim complete and total responsibility for your life, your karma, your personality quirks, your lessons that arise in this life, and sharing your gifts … then you begin to see how the challenges in life are tests by the universe to see if you are ready to step up to that next level of responsibility.

Lesson Number 3 – Kindness Is A Choice
In each and every moment, you have a choice. We live in a world of duality and there will forever be two sides to all arguments, perspectives, beliefs, and dogmas. That is why in each moment you have to choose between leading with the dark side of your personality and perspective or to lead with the lighter side. That lighter side is always about choosing kindness over anything else. Because even if you do not know the answer, one can be kind. Even when life throws tomatoes at you, you can make ketchup. There will always be those that think to claim their power that they need to be cruel. That is not true. The greatest souls that we still look up to and admire were not cruel, though they were bluntly honest and showed what they felt and were willing to back up their feelings with constructive actions. One can either judge others or simply move from kindness and care. When that becomes the only choice for a soul, that is when that soul has matured beyond the need to be right and instead understands that they simply need to do what is right.

Lesson Number 4 – Love Is The Glue

There is a moment in a soul’s maturity that they recognize that what holds everything in this universe together is Love. Love is what attracted us to come to this planet and play out these games of emotional and physical complexity. Love causes the trees to absorb CO2 and make oxygen. Love is this amazing magnetic field that creates this envelope around earth that has allowed life here to thrive and diversify. Love is the pull that attracts souls to find each other. Love is the glue that keeps dreams alive, families together, and allows humanity to hold tight to hope. Without love we could not exist. Without love would not be able to survive our growing up process. Without love we would not feel the need to create things and make a difference. It is the love that is inside our souls that needs to be shared with others. Love allows us to reach. Love allows us to feel safe. Love gives us courage. The love we carry inside and share with others will continue to exist long after we are gone and will be the fuel to help us move from the physical reality and back into the light.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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