Intuitive Patterns for the Month of February 2025
Aleister Crowley Tarot: Defeat, The Trickster Magus, The Aeon
Words of Truth: Present, Heart, Multi-Dimensional, Expansion
Mayan Oracle: Dreamer and Dreamed, Rhythm, Complex Stability
Medicine Cards: Whale, Swan, Otter
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Three of Wands, Ten of Swords, Priestess
Osho Zen Tarot: Traveling, Aloneness, Celebration, Innocence
Healing Earth Tarot: Ace of Pipes, Six of Crystals, Woman of Crystals
The card that stands out this month is the Ten of Swords. It shows robbers in the burial chambers of the ancient Pharaohs. Nothing could be more appropriate than this image … as to what is happening in our society and government at this time.
To the ancient Egyptians, violation of a tomb of a Pharoah, was the ultimate desecration. This card is an indication of total ruin. It heralds the beginning of a series of calamities that are an indication of retribution from the Gods. It is a beginning of a series of events that will shock humanity and force them to see the error of their ways.
I have already said that the climate change issues this year are going to escalate and that many will become personally affected by the inability of those in power for decades to do what was needed. And this month, we begin to reap what we have sown.
The Priestess card with this Ten of Swords, is a reminder that often we will not listen to our deeper intuitive knowing until we have fallen into the pit of despair, and we finally surrender up what we thought was so precious and true and that we were protecting with our biases and opinions. Because now, we are recognizing that what some were so desperate to believe is all a lie.
Only in that moment of complete contrition … will we be open to another way and finally listen to the mystics, poets, and philosophers.
I do not think this shift will be rapid. But it will begin in February.
This month, we are warned against excess, and we are going to feel the sting of defeat on many levels.
Add to that, we have the Trickster Magus in the Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot. This card indicates that the masses need to learn the disruptive qualities of the planet Uranus, and how chronic disruption is a tool of those that want to use deception and chaos to get what they want … from those that have less.
It is the reminder that (as a God), Uranus was eccentric, undisciplined, and reckless in his approach.
Who does that sound like?
It is the reminder that if you do not see the darkness that you have hidden inside, you will be unable to detect that darkness in others. This card shows that there are a series of traps laid out in front of us. Any one of those traps will have the ability to destroy something of value to us.
Spiritually, this card is a reminder that we need to look at those things that we are blindly defending. It will point out if we are twisting the truth to protect ourselves from seeing our own twisted self-deception.
This card has the symbol of a monkey in it. Expect the deceptions and distortions to come at you fast and furiously. You will feel hard pressed to know how to sort truth from those that actively want to cause so much confusion that you collapse and break under the onslaught of chaotic information.
This card is also ruled by Mercury, the messenger god. He was not the god of honest communication. He was simply the messenger. It did not matter to him if the message was truthful, it just needed to be given.
This card indicates that there are many hidden plans underway and that those hidden agendas are going to directly impact you.
Do not think you are walking in the light. The cards this month, warn us that we have wandered into the shadowlands and that we are in danger of losing parts of our own soul.
The lesson this month is to look beyond what we are being shown and instead look at someone’s behavior.
That is why we also have the Aeon card this month. This card is all about discernment. When we have discernment, we naturally have adaptability. This card teaches that the mind is what needs discernment because the ego will try to make problems where there are none or there are actually fewer than the ego wants you to believe. The ego thrives in an environment of reactivity.
When we live in a world that causes that constant state of reactivity … we are being a lower creature and one that is more primal and like an animal. To be a real human, one must learn to control and observe that reactivity and play a higher game of awareness and balance.
In order to become truly objective we have to embrace learning the things we are afraid to learn. We have to let go of needing to be right. And we have to take responsibility for the choices and actions we made in those moments of ego attachment.
Yet, through all this drama and upset, the cards indicate that this is the path that will eventually lead us to healing. Within each of us is something so very ancient and old. There is something that recognizes that we wanted to dive into the darkness to retrieve the light. That we chose to be here and to be a part of this current adventure.
This month is a time to embark on a grand adventure and to do that journey with one other person or to do it alone. With so much happening, we need to reclaim our own center first. Without that we cannot see the beauty that is kind and innocent. We cannot remember to celebrate the small things and make powerful memories that will ultimately sustain us.
Be wary of the temptation to run from one idea to another without focus. Drop the seriousness and let things flow like water off a duck’s back. We are seeking a flow. Fear blocks all natural and organic flow.
Practice the qualities of the Swan, be graceful and beautiful in all your actions and engagements with others. The Swan teaches us that we need to be willing to accept whatever the future holds as it is presented. Only when we are willing to gracefully surrender will we find the correct frequency and spin to shatter the illusion of the dark magic that is currently in control. We are witnessing a time of tremendous healing and transformation. And it will change us … forever.
Notice that we are living in multiple realities at this time. We will have to learn to hold all of them in focus and deal with the challenges that each one presents. We cannot favor one over another … that seems daunting. We are going to need all the lessons that will present. All the tools will need to be gathered, acquired, and fully integrated if we are to succeed.
Remember to carry the wisdom of the Whale inside. Know that we are going to have to navigate a lot of noise and chatter. Listen to the lullaby of the tides. While we desire to know, we currently do not have enough knowledge to correctly translate what is coming through. Be patient. Take the necessary time to learn and integrate. Gifts will come. Intuitive knowing will show the path that we cannot currently see. And in the end, the magic will return.
~Suzanne Wagner~