Intuitive Patterns for the Month of March 2025
Aleister Crowley Tarot: Victory, Pleasure, The Moon
Words of Truth: Mind, Dichotomy, Discrimination
Mayan Oracle: Cauac, Ben, Akbal
Medicine Cards: Grouse, Bat
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Six of Cups, Two of Swords, The Wheel of Fortune
Osho Zen Tarot: Awareness, Adventure, Comparison
Healing Earth Tarot: Seven of Shields, Hanged One, Justice
What is clear with the cards this month is that in life when we resist a lesson that repeatedly tries to get our attention, then the circumstances in life get louder and harder.
I had a teacher say to me many years ago that at first the universe will slap your hand. If you don’t change … then it will break your arm. And if you continue to refuse the lesson that is being presented then eventually you get hit by a Semi.
Life seems to be heading in the direction of the Semi at the moment. But after reading “The Fourth Turning Is Here by Neil Howe, in 2023, I learned to understand that there are just these natural cycles that all civilizations will have to grow through. It was clear to me in 2023 that we were in the Fourth Turning and that it did not matter what anyone would try to do, because the lessons in life are here for all of us to go through whether we like them or not.
What is clear is that these cards this month reflect that we will need to go into the darkness to retrieve the light.
And while that will be very difficult, the divine clearly believes it is necessary for our growth. That is why this month is about embracing the bad because this is the only thing that will pierce the veils of shadow and darkness that so many have adopted.
While this throws the minds into the depth of this duality and dichotomy, there is light ahead. Though that light will take a long time to come into fruition.
We are clearly in the cycle of Cauac in the Mayan Oracle. The authors of this deck of cards asks us the question, “Do you stand willing to surrender everything to become all that you appear not yet to be?”
We are being asked to step consciously into the flames of transmutation to be consumed by the fire of love.
That is actually a very good thing … though it can be a very challenging moment for us to walk through currently.
Clearly, the battle is internal. Though the external is also manifesting in scary and emotionally complex ways. We are being asked to put our hearts before our minds. We are being asked to move with compassion rather than from our past beliefs. We are being asked to surrender to this existence and trust that it will carry us forward and towards a better world.
What is clear is that the answers are not in the mind. Trying to make sense out of it will only lead to more suffering. We will be asked to give things up in order to discover the true essence of peace.
Serenity will take over when we find the flexibility to allow life to show us what it is … that it has been trying to tell us.
Wisdom comes when we allow experience to be the guide … rather than the mind.
The Grouse is the sacred bird to show us the way. We need to dance and celebrate everything small moment. We need to remember that life goes on no matter what is happening. We need to recognize that we are a part of a much bigger picture and that while we have our considerations and concerns, we are being stripped down to learn to appreciate the small things that allowed us to be closer to each other and to nature.
Many years ago, my dog found a small kitten almost frozen to death in the snow. He was lying on top of his brother who had died in the night. This small kitten was trying to take the last bit of warmth coming off his body to stay alive. The previous evening I had been initiated into the Mayan Archetype, Akbal. This is the archetype that is about learning to embrace the enclosing darkness. It is in the darkness and the dreamtime that we learn to move into the void of pain and discomfort because it is the doorway to the great mystery and where your potential is waiting for you to be ready and to fully open to its message and magic. I rescued that kitten and named it Akbal. While I rescued him with my heart and compassion, he rescued me from the perfectionistic reality that I was ensnared by. He gave me the love that was pure and unconditional. And I found that through him I rediscovered my own heart and depth.
That is the journey that March is asking from each of us. I point out that you too have been through such moments and survived and even became … better.
Do not fear the harshness of this world. Learn to embrace each moment and rediscover the mystery that is now ready to be born.
~Suzanne Wagner~