October 14, 2024


About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 14, 2024Categories: Intuitive Patterns Monthly

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of October 2024

Aleister Crowley Tarot: Strength, Cruelty, Knight of Swords
Words of Truth: God, Dullness, Intimacy
Mayan Oracle: Dreamer and Dreamed
Medicine Cards: Porcupine, Hawk, Horse
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Four of Cups, King of Disks, King of Swords
Osho Zen Tarot: Trust, Miser, Ice-olation
Healing Earth Tarot: The Sun, Wise Old Woman, Two of Wands

We see a repeating theme from last month and that is the return of the Knight of Swords. This card is the sign of a Gemini male and a person who will say and do anything to get what they want. They are two-faced and will play the game of making others feel as if they have to take sides. Does that sound like anyone you know?

This is a month that awakens dreams and yet will fester those whose hatred knows no bounds. There are those that will wish to indulge and move things into chaotic excess and there are those that will feel more and more isolated and trapped by labels and the webs of fear designed to paralyze.

Duality is so clearly defined that we are looking at what it will take for a complete and total paradigm shift.

Those that have the most … clearly are hording and refuse to share. Those with nothing, long for a chance to move ahead in any direction.

If you look outside, you will see mirrors of all our old and antiquated selves and distortions from the projections that others want to use to impede our progress.

In such an environment it is difficult to trust and even more difficult to feel safe. Those in power want to inflame the masses for their own aims and yet pretend that they care for the people.

But the people finally know they are being duped and dumped. The fake gold gilding is coming off the copper that will stain your skin if you keep wearing it, marking you as one that was duped.

This month, we long for a deeper intimacy but we feel as if the stress and strain from all the media overload is actually dulling our senses. We are fatigued in a way that we recognize is not normal, not healthy, and not good for anyone … including us.

It has taken everything we have inside to stand up to the cruelty that is intentionally being inflicted upon us. At least now, more are seeing the terrible damage that has been done to all of us and we cannot pretend any longer that we are not being harmed.

Yet, in this darkness there is light shining through. Clearly, we needed to have terrible suffering and horrible actions and projections inflicted upon us so that we stop pretending that everything is going to be fine. Wisdom comes from recognizing where we are being used and abused. Inside we have a part of ourselves that is finally refusing to swallow the poison that wants to tear us apart. And we see that the only thing that will work is to stand up and fight for the rights of everyone even those that keep spewing the toxicity and lies that were intentionally inflicted upon them to pull our world off truth and into despair.

After this month is over, we will have to figure out how to forgive. It will take a long time. But it is important to never … ever … forget what one group tried to do to an entire country.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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