August 28, 2024

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of September 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 28, 2024Categories: Intuitive Patterns Monthly

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of September 2024

Aleister Crowley Tarot: Indolence, Power, Knight of Swords
Words of Truth: Commitment, Gratitude, Safety, Inappropriate Relationship
Mayan Oracle: Transformer, Etznab, Unity
Medicine Cards: Lizard, Bear, Blank Shield
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: The Lovers, Two of Cups, The Sun
Osho Zen Tarot: Source, Past Lives, The Creator
Healing Earth Tarot: Ace of Shields, Five of Crystals, Ten of Crystals

What is clear this month is that the tables have been turned. What was on top is now on the bottom and what was being suppressed is back in control. The cards seem to repeat this theme in a variety of ways, The old and decrepit dragons protecting the gold in their lair no longer can stop the onslaught of change that has awoken. There is a bright new light shining in on the chaos that intended to instill fear and give those dragons control over others. And in the place of that light lashing out with hate, all that light does is hold up a mirror. And just like Medusa, once she sees her own reflection that turns others into stone, she too turns into stone and that stone collapses in on itself and turns to ash.

We see in that reflection of the mirror those that wanted to instill so much fear in the people but they did not realize that so much hate is exhausting, taxing, and just terrible. Eventually even the most blind souls begin to sense that with the current strategy of negativity that they cannot win.

And so, the lightning strikes the Towers of Babylon and everything bought by the pain and suffering of others comes crashing down.

The dark horses of death and doom get sucked back into the dark shadows from which they arose, and the misery and pain of the people shifts into a celebration that is about the power of the human potential that will not be sacrificed on the alters of dogma, power, and the wealthy.

This month we remember that we deserve more, and we can demand more very loudly. It will feel good for those that have done such terrible things to feel frightened of what is unfolding. They should be frightened, and they need to be terrified of what is yet to come. Because the horrible things that they created are now … not going to be a legacy that they can pass down to their children. Those things will now shackle their children with a karmic burden and debt that will be an embarrassment and a terrible inheritance for generations to come.

This month, the people are empowered and take the control. This month, there is something powerful and divine at work behind the scenes and in obvious ways. We sense that there are angelic forces behind us, supporting us in this change. We needed an inspiration … and we got one. We needed a spark … and we got one. We needed hope and it was offered up on a silver platter.

This month we feel the power of love at work in our world and in our life. We feel as if we have a new courage to face the dragon and we also believe that somehow, we can and will win. It is a very good feeling.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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