May 20, 2024

Tarot Card for the Day – The Deeper Meaning of the Moon Card

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 20, 2024Categories: Blog Daily, Intuitive Patterns Daily

Tarot Card for the Day – The Deeper Meaning of the Moon Card

I had a dream last night that I was watching the sky as if it was an enormous ocean of energy. As I asked to understand, the Moon Goddess, dropped down into this ocean as if it was a lake of linear time in this dimension.
As the Moon above was New, and but a small sliver of light in the sky, she descended into the lake’s murky depths. But she was time in this reality, and she was walking on the bottom of the lake, generating the experience of time.
She had gone down into the water to gather up energy and turning that earth energy into illumination, light, and the concept of time.

As she continued along the bottom of that lake, the light inside accumulated and she rose up and out of the lake on the Full Moon, shining that light strongly out into this world.
That light was designed to illuminate dreams and inspire insights that could turn into actions. She is the Goddess that brings ideas into feelings and then those feelings can turn into actions.

She creates the concepts of linear time so that we can understand that sequences matter in the construct of all things. And that each thing has a time, a life, and a moment when it must go back into the cosmic waters to be reborn. She is the vehicle that we all use that takes us from birth, to life, to a peak experience that shows the meaning of this life, into eventual decline and death so we can regenerate, gather up our next level of energetic lessons and be reborn.
As the Full Moon brought its current gifts and insights, she began again to rise above the water to share those gifts with all living things. But as the energy she had gathered began to wane, she once again, began to lower back down into the watery soup of the cosmic force to regenerate and gather up the next evolution of insights, tools, awareness’s, and wisdoms to share with this ancient world whose intention is to bring light into the darkness, insight into emptiness, and emotional evolution from chaos.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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