My Blog2024-05-21T23:58:27+00:00

Suzanne’s Blogs

Poem – Celebrating Halloween

Poem – Celebrating Halloween Today we embrace the goblins and ghouls. That fly around in the night ignoring the rules. They allow us a moment to be scared and [...]

Poem – What God Sees

Poem – What God Sees Do you ever wonder what god sees. In the moments we ask with reverent pleas. I believe that as we look up to that [...]

Poem – My Chat With Karma

Poem – My Chat With Karma I sat with Karma, kindling her very warm fires. I watched her weave man’s thoughts and desires. She looked behind and took the [...]

Poem – My Chat With Karma

Poem – My Chat With Karma I sat with Karma, kindling her very warm fires. I watched her weave man’s thoughts and desires. She looked behind and took the [...]

Poem – The Noise of Cities

Poem – The Noise of Cities It is not the wildness that takes me by surprise. It is the noise that comes off the cities that waters my eyes. [...]

Poem – What is Love?

Poem – What is Love? Is love an empty feeling that some feel inside? When circumstances change, and someone says goodbye? While love is a word that holds so [...]

Poem – Flying Cobwebs

Poem – Flying Cobwebs I see the cobwebs have begun to fly. Like spirits dancing in the sky. I see the souls of recent events. Fly skyward with their [...]

The Many Dances Out The Door

The Many Dances Out The Door I am in Spokane. I got here safe and sound. Travel takes more effort from where I live high up in Northern California. [...]

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