Numerology for 1/13/2024
1/13/2024 is the number 13
1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Within the turmoil of all lives well lived, each of us must find a place to stand where we feel balanced between the earth and the sky, our higher self and our human self. This number 4 today, reminds us that we are that bridge of light that brings love into form and spirit into the physical realm.
We can think of the number 4 as the 4th Chakra in the body’s energy centers. This chakra is the heart chakra. It is the connection between the upper triangle and the lower triangle, and they connect and come together through the heart.
Life can sometimes shut down our heart chakra. When that happens, we feel unloved, fearful, and heart broken. When a heart is broken one feels hate. When there is fear there is no love. When Love is strongest, then we feel neither hate nor fear. And when people allow hate to dominate, they have no fear, but they also have no love.
When we have an open heart there is an acceptance and a natural, organic flow of energy from the lower chakras through the heart and out into the world.
Those that do not understand the power of love believe cultivating and maintaining hate gives them power, confidence, and a sense of righteousness. But they are mistaken because hate lacks conscience and does not care about who it hurts, and it never takes responsibility for its actions. It is always others that are the problem and they are causing us to hate. But love is an organic expression of light in this dimension, while hate is learned by the mind. The heart, when it is open, is unable to hate. But a closed heart cannot balance the fire of the mind and then the ego displays the varied forms of power games over others.
Today, talk to your heart. Check on how it is feeling. Ask if it is open or closed. Ask what it needs from you to open back up if it is closed.
I find a forgiving and open heart is accepting of differences and allows for the many opinions and positions that is the process of all souls seeking answers.
Remember, there are no wrong pathways. All pathways will eventually lead all of us home to a place of wholeness and peace.
~Suzanne Wagner~