Numerology for 1/4/2024
1/4/2024 is the number 13
1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Today, with the number 4 we crave to find that new balance. A balance that brings in the wisdom from the past experiences and allows us to be more mature in our approach to current events. If life has been teaching us anything, it has been that we need to keep both eyes open. Not open in a startled way, as the truth shatters illusions and the dreams of childhood fall away as the reality forces us to engage. But a balance that accepts what arises and gives us a sense that regardless of what happens, that somehow, we will prevail by being willing to grow towards what the universe offers us in these current lessons. It is never about what happens. It is always about how we address things and learn to cope. That place of acceptance and grace comes from choosing love over hate. We are down here temporarily to expand love past the preconceived notions that we were told to us as children and from the fairytales of others. The truth is harsh but love can find a way to allow the difficult pieces to fit into this matrix. Not by rejecting them but by knowing that we are attempting to embrace them fully. The only way to embrace things is not through denial but recognizing that life is messy, humanity is constantly wading and wallowing through this complex emotional reality by trying, failing, trying again, making more mistakes, and then finally learning that success is not gauged by getting things the easy way, but by slogging through the ooze of failure to find that within each of us is a force that is more powerful than we ever realized. Our spirit is unbreakable.
Within every hero is a soul that was taken to the brink of death. Whether it was death of ego, death of the dream, physical death, or the types of losses that change the soul forever. We celebrate them and their success. But they survived because they found a place within that was able to balance out the circumstances of this life with the heart and soul that experienced them. They found that place of balance (the number 4). They found a way to hold all of it lightly and with great compassion. They shine bright because life broke the illusions that protected them from the truth. But in that breaking, the truth that was within them finally could be seen through the cracks. They discovered that they could no longer hide from themselves, but they had to learn to embrace what they had become.
This is the deepest place that this number 4 can go.
Remember that we all have cracks opening up in our illusions. But let that light shine bravely through that damage. Because what the ego was protecting is more beautiful than you could ever know.
~Suzanne Wagner~