Numerology for 4/12/2024
4/12/2024 is the number 15
4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 15
1 + 5 = 6
With the Number 6 says that we need to get away from all the craziness of this world. That may not be possible with what is happening, but we can make a conscious choice to turn off the television and to not get caught up in hearsay or the terrible rhetoric that seems to want to destroy our compassion.
This is the number of deep internal compassion for ourselves. There are moments when we must let the world problems be put the side for a time because the external upset is causing our objectivity to break down. Without our own center in place and intact, we will make decisions that will not be the best for us or others.
We live in a world that is infected with those that carry the virus of reactivity. They cannot help but inflame situations out of proportion and that in turn causes many others great distress. We cannot let those that hate .. hurt others. We cannot let dysfunction become the norm.
This number 6 is all about meditation, introspection, self-awareness, and seeing the bigger picture.
We live in a world that wants to only see its own narrow view of life. That type of mindset will never allow humanity to grow beyond the density of dysfunction. Function comes from clarity. Clarity comes understanding. And understanding comes from being willing to learn more than one currently has accumulated.
~Suzanne Wagner~