May 17, 2024

Numerology for 5/18/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 17, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for 5/18/2024

5/18/2024 is the number 22
5 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 22
2 + 2 = 4

The number 4 reminds us that this world has a natural balance and rhythm. That does not mean that we always appreciate those chaotic flows, or the powerful storms that seem to want to tear down patterns of creation. But life is always remaking itself. Storms will come in life and tear out the old to make way for something new. Destruction is quick but creation takes time.
When you know yourself and know what you came here to do and give, then one weathers the storms with more grace and less grit. Because the storm will not change the dream in our heart or the goal of our soul, but it will force us to learn something that we did not know we needed to know. And that is where the storms and upsets of life are the best teachers. Greatness does not come from things always being easy. Greatness comes from weathering the storms of life and learning how to bend in those storms.
That is when we realize that those terrible moments are the universe sculpting us into what we will need in order to actually get that dream.
When it seems that the chaos is going to win … surrender into the winds of change rather than resist them. Let them throw you out of those places you think you need to control and discover that beyond the mind is a myth. And that myth is the most incredible story of who you really are.
The number 4 teaches us that life is poetry and within those rhythms and flows is an elusive penultimate truth. A type of truth that is beyond words or language. A type of truth that is beyond the pictures you play through in your mind. A type of truth that is beyond the attachments of what we believe we need to become.
Within the storms and the chaos of life is a truth that is exclusively yours and that you can know but you may not be able to totally explain to another.
When you realize that you are becoming a glorious myth within the confines of a constricted reality, that is when you own the power of your soul and learn that within the struggles, you will find freedom.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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