May 23, 2024

Numerology for 5/23/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 23, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for 5/24/2024

5/24/2024 is the number 19
5 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 19
1 + 9 = 10

Will you weaken or will you claim a spot in the sun? That is the question. The universal language for the cosmos is mathematics. That is why we are so drawn to certain numbers or number patterns. This number 10 takes the number 1 and adds a zero, thus magnifying it by 10.
Today is a day when you can get a tremendous boost to your energy if you are willing to ride stormy waves.
Leap into actions that promote a powerful truth that is inside of you that keeps trying to get out. Put fear to the side and allow something magnificent inside to breathe the fresh air.
When we give more permission to be who we are, we allow all that fear to dissipate. Once that fear is gone there is nothing stopping you from discovering who you truly are.
Do not be afraid of failure. Failure is a part of the many necessary steps to get to success. One has to be willing to try, to look ridiculous, and to potentially make mistakes. It is our mistakes that makes us more human and compassionate. Our desire to try must be stronger than our self-preservation.

After all, who really wants to live a mediocre life?
And we have to be willing to risk looking ridiculous, because if we cannot learn to laugh at ourselves and our attempts, then we will end up a person that is arrogant, demanding, and a soul lacking a sense of humor. And nothing is more boring to be around than a constantly, constipated, controlling person.
Power (the number 10) does not have to be greedy, condescending, or look down on others. True power is adaptive, knows how to flow, and is drawn to the spontaneity of change that life offers.
Those that want power to protect themselves … have completely missed the point all together.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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