May 24, 2024

Numerology for 5/25/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 24, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for 5/25/2024

5/25/2024 is the number 20
5 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 20
2 + 0 = 2

Try to have fun and not overthink things. I know that sounds easy but in reality, it is much harder to do than expected. The number 2 is a mental number, and it likes its lists and wants to check things off.
But we are at the Memorial Day Weekend, and this is supposed to be family oriented and fun. While we do need to make sure you get all the groceries for the outdoor barbeque, remember to let go, laugh, and let that inner child have a breath of fresh air.
Make this a more carefree day and allow yourself to remember that this is a time to celebrate the beginning of Summer. (Yes, I know we are not at the solstice, but you know what I mean!) Schools are finishing up and it is time to take a break, go outside, have picnics, and prepare for camping and vacations.
We all need moments to just let go and follow our nose. I call it “bushwhacking”. That means that you don’t always take the well-trodden paths, but you cut through areas (especially if you have an idea of where you are going) and see what you can discover if you go a different way.
There is excitement if you decide to explore and discover along the way. You might find a secret watering hole with a swing over the creek to skinny dip in! Be daring, try something new! You never know what you might come upon. Life is not supposed to be a map with only the interstates on it. Take those dirt roads, take those places that go into box canyons. Take the trails that wander off into the mountains.
Today, take a chance. Don’t let the mind tell you otherwise. Instead, let your soul take your mind on an adventure. You will notice that getting out of our ruts and habits can be quite exhilarating to the mind once you strong-arm it into submission. Sometimes the soul needs to take charge to show the mind what really matters and what feeds our spirit. Let today be that day.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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