May 30, 2024

Numerology for 5/31/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 30, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for 5/31/2024

5/31/2024 is the number 17
5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 17
1 + 7 = 8

Most of the time we have to embrace terrible loss and pain. The number 8 reminds us to celebrate the sorrow as much as the joy. We cannot truly know who we are without situations in life testing us. Overcoming what has been thrown in our path … is the journey to enlightenment.
Would you trust a person’s wisdom if they were not tested by terrible times? We would not believe them … because deep inside we know that life was never designed to be easy.
Things of great value to us often are not yet seen as something of value to others.
It is not that we are wrong or that the other person is wrong. It is simply the fact that there are those that are on a very different path and have a very different agenda than us.
While I sought out the subtle places of nuance, art, dance, texture, color, and magic. Others may have wanted security, stability, money, and influence.
One is not better than another, but each path brings with it the tools that are designed to confront us, challenge what we think we know, and push us past those places of fear and rejection.
While some want and need a more instant gratification, for me, art allows my heart and soul to extend beyond my body and this life. And yet, art is not art if it does not show the balance between the light and the dark. Art allows us to see that it is essential to embrace that darkness and sorrow in order to deepen ourselves and come clean around those things that were untrue.
I find that the number 8, is a very significant number to learn to flow with. It is for me the great teacher and the number inside my soul that longs for wholeness and balance in a world that constantly seems at the edge of disaster.
After all, “Life is about learning to be comfortable dancing on the edge of a knife.”

~Suzanne Wagner~

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