September 2, 2023

Numerology for 9/3/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 2, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Numerology Daily

Numerology for 9/3/2023

9/3/2023 is the number 19.

9 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 19.
1 + 9 = 10

In yogic numerology, the number 10 tells us that there is always more to be found and discovered. While some will want to conquer the external world, others seek what lies deep within the soul and the psyche. Power (the number 10) comes from one’s willingness to extend and to try. Power grows as we discover that those of us that question things and desire to uncover the deeper core truths of life, expand our energy as we are willing to reach beyond accepting what we believe as the truth.
Belief is not based on facts but on wanting things to be true so we can make sense out of our complicated world.
Younger souls seek to justify what they believe rather than take the enormous time and effort it takes to unmask our own assumptions and confront the things that our mind needed to be true in favor of what that assumption might actually been hiding.
Authentic power comes from being willing to hold what we believe lightly and to have a determined mind that is willing to learn new things and expand beyond the accepted parameters of our “normal” society.
Growth always expands at the edges of the known reality. That is why all societies have those at the edges of society that challenge the rules and laws of that reality. Without those edge walkers, societies become stagnant, repetitive, boring, lack creativity, and inconsequential. Because all things alive are required to grow.
Today, be one that walks the edges of the known reality consciously and with a calm acceptance of the fact, that leaning into the edges of our known reality give us a chance to discover places and spaces yet untouched and untapped.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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