August 13, 2024

Numerology for August 14, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 13, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for August 14, 2024

8/14/2024 is the number 21
8 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 21

2 + 1 = 3

The number 3 is that soothing whisper in the wind. That gentle thought that allows you to settle down and be in the moment. This number loves a smile and a warm touch. It remembers that kindness works more often than arrogant demands. The number 3 in its purest form is happiness.

Today, I am reminded of those that I have dealt with that come from that place of feeling entitled. Throughout my life I have watched those types of people who think that always getting what you want is … happiness.

I feel so sad for these types of souls.

The mind thinks it knows what happiness is. But more often than not, true happiness comes as an unexpected surprise.

Yes, we can have great joy from a plan, the execution of that plan, and the attainment of a goal. But there is another type of happiness that comes from a spontaneous source outside of our mind that shows us what we were missing that we did not know or even understand that we might want or need.

I find that when moments of spontaneous joy and happiness arise, they are often the moments that become the most special. It reminds me that happiness is actually our natural state of being. When we are fully in a moment … then we are more open to receive that refreshing expression of divine love, joy, and happiness.

I wonder if those that need to feel entitled and demand to be loved … have ever really felt true love or spontaneous happiness? I know that many learned that love comes from those that demand something in return. That love is not unconditional but conditional.

True love is a spring inside our soul that naturally bubbles up. When one is fully present in the moment and in touch with our own natural state of wonder, we cannot help but be that expression of happiness and joy. We also cannot help but be a part of that joy of life that surrounds all of us in each and every moment.

And when we are in touch with that joy, we cannot help but naturally want to care for life, animals, birds, and others. It is the nature of happiness and joy that it wants to be shared. It is the nature of our being that we want to connect and find how to play a part in the lives of others.

Today, remember that you are an essential part in the lives of many. How big your heart is … determines how much it shares with others. If you have a closed heart, you might lock yourself away and not connect with others. This (of course) can lead to depression.

In the connections with others, we learn that we are not alone. There are always those to help and if we do not come from a place of entitlement. When we want to contribute to others and are willing to lend a helping hand to others … then that will be reciprocated back to us just when we need it the most.

The number 3 works best in a group. Flows of energy require connection and something to bounce off of. The more people that help the less effort is required by each individual.

Remember, none of us want to be an island. We are social creatures that need and want connection with others. It is often when we are with others that we discover just how much joy and happiness we have inside.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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