Numerology for August 28, 2024
8/28/2024 is the number – 26
8 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 26
2 + 6 = 8
The number 8 in some Tarot decks is the “Strength” card. In the Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot deck it is the “Adjustment” card. The Strength card is an indicator of internal strength. It arises when one is tested either from illness, injury, or staying calm in the face of a challenging situation. It represents inner self control rather than the outer power of manifestation and accomplishments that achieve financial gain. In these decks, it is a card that shows the skills of persuasion and influence.
But in the Aleister Crowley deck, it is about the legal systems and the balance of the rule of law in a civilization. It shows that there should be guidelines that are essential for the ways that one is to conduct oneself in our world. It is a reminder that every culture should have standards of behavior so the people can work together to solve important problems rather than create more conflict and upset.
In this card, it is showing the Egyptian Goddess Maat who would weigh your heart against a feather. If your heart was in balance with the feather, then you were able to enter into the kingdoms of heaven. But if your heart was burdened and heavy with hate, discord, resentment, jealousy, envy, sloth, greed, and the dense emotions of humanity then you had not learned your lessons and you would not be able to enter heaven. Instead, you would have to go back to reincarnate into the physical world to continue your lessons.
Today, notice if your heart is heavy or light. Notice if you deal with others in a balance way or if you are out to get what you believe you deserve and don’t care the cost that it takes from others.
Balance is often achieved by learning acceptance. Because when we learn to accept all parts of ourselves then we are freer to give our love unconditionally.
Notice if you harbor beliefs that are causing either yourself or others fear, uncertainty, hopelessness, or depression. If you are, then you are only adding more weight to your heart.
Remember, karma is a heavy burden to carry.
~Suzanne Wagner~