August 28, 2024

Numerology for August 29, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 28, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for August 29, 2024

8/29/2024 is the number – 27
8 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 27

2 + 7 = 9

Today, we come full circle and come around to a close. What is it that is asking for completion and resolution right now in your life? Where do you need to ask for feedback or help to allow something to move into completion.

Resolution is the healing of resentment. Life constantly asks us to let the past go. It is hard to do because when we have events in which we simultaneously experience, abandonment, shame, and betrayal, that is how we lock into the patterns of PTSD. That is why today take a look at what you still feel abandoned around. Where do you still hold shame? And where do you still have a chip on your shoulder from someone that betrayed you?

When we separate out those pieces, they are easier to understand and resolve.

Each of us have felt all three of those emotions, and some of us have not found the pathways through them. The way I have healed betrayal was to discover how powerful my internal sense of loyalty was. I learned that I could give to others what was not given to me. In that way, I learned the terrible karmic suffering of betrayal and now make sure that I am not the person who intends to perpetuate betrayal in this lifetime.

For those that have experienced shame, the healing energy that promotes resolution and completion is honor. Honor means that you decide to do what is right over what is easy. When someone tries to shame you, and you respond from an honorable place, make a decision to complete the project and give a specific time and date. When you know how to honor yourself and you make choices so that you can live inside your own skin comfortably, shame is replaced by self respect and honor. Then it does not matter if another tries to shame you. When you are coming from a place of honor and respect, then another’s opinion no longer matters.

For abandonment the healing energy is commitment. This means that when you were abandoned by another person, their commitment was not there. Or they did not see you or your feelings as something that really mattered to them. When we learn to commit to ourselves, our dreams, our desires, and our needs, then what another chooses to do does not seem as important. When we learn to commit and make ourselves a priority, we learn that we can give ourselves what we were expecting others to offer. We see that they abandoned us because they did not know or have the expression of commitment in a stable place in their soul. When we know, we are committed to our path and life, then it is easy to give our commitment to others and to see them and their needs also as having value.

Today, look at all three of these emotional wounds and see if you are truly resolved inside from these types of traumas. If not, I hope my explanations will give hints as to how to heal them.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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