August 5, 2024

Numerology for August 6, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 5, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for August 6, 2024

8/6/2024 is the number 22
8 + 6+ 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 22

2 + 2 = 4

The number 4 brings a new sense of balance to your life if you will let it.

To many … neutrality is a negative word.

It does not mean to not act. It means to not act out of emotional reaction but instead to respond from a place of balanced center and intellect.

We live in a world where being neutral could appear to want to avoid conflict and that is not always possible.

Silence encourages dysfunctional behavior to continue. It can allow the tormentor to face no consequences.

Currently we are in a world, where keeping out of trouble cannot be the goal because too much is at risk and there are those that want to tear down the foundations of peace and democracy.

The appearance of neutrality is a gift that is offered from strong laws and the appropriate applications of those laws from the balanced arms of government.

Quoting Bill Bradley, “We must maintain absolute governmental neutrality regarding religious practices and beliefs.”

This is why our founding fathers kept religion out of government. History proves again and again, that when religions get into the mix of government, terrible things happen.

Neutrality dies when there are those that make choices that hurt people, restrict their opportunities, and condone some to poverty because of birth, dogma, or lack.

Our Constitution tries to bring the concept of neutrality into government … to lead mankind out of the brooding, pervasive, active, and damaging division of the secular and the religious groups that have caused endless wars and such terrible loss of life and property.

Today, ponder and connect to those that actively created and defended our Constitution. When you understand the reasoning through their eyes … we will be more willing to fight for that neutrality and actively defend equality for all.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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