Numerology for December 2, 2024
12/2/2024 is the number – 13
1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Today is again the number 4 or the number of Neutral Mind. May peace find you this day and follow you faithfully as you move through. Remember peace is always a choice no matter what.
Most are not aware, but the number 4 does have a “cunning” side to it. Being neutral and more detached allows one to move in a highly analytical way. Only a calm mind can perceive the details happening and because of that come up with a strategic plan that might work.
This is the number of communication. Communication can be used for the good or in a malicious way. The best manipulators have a meticulous mind that can have the powerful ability to perceive subtly and detect intentional manipulation or intentionally manipulate.
The Number 4 can be calculating because it can appear to be fair and move from a place that others do not see as overly aggressive. It takes cunning and finesse to masterfully motivate the weak while manipulating with malicious intent.
The Number 4 can embrace meticulous planning to anticipate the actions and motivations of others while exploiting their weaknesses.
Today is a day to notice those that have a hidden agenda while wearing a mask of something that you admire or are attracted too. Today is a good day to look to what is begin concealed.
If you are playing the victim, this is a shadow expression of the Number 4. Notice what is the underlying reason for doing that. Is that motivation sympathy or manipulation?
The more awake we become the more we learn to not live just on the surface. The more we grow up, the more we learn that what we were told to believe may not actually be the reality.
And yet, once we see the whole picture and the whole truth, there can be a calm that comes over us. We just see things for what they are. We see the duality in all things, people, and circumstances. We no longer take it personally because we see into the reasoning and shadow that is causing the actions and motivations in others in order for them to learn their lessons.
Then remember that we are not here to teach the karmic lessons to others. We are here to be an example of goodness, fairness, love, and compassion.
Those with disturbing and malicious cunning often carry individual personality traits and challenging life experiences that we do not know or understand.
We are not here to change anyone. We are here to change ourselves. That is the only place we have any semblance of control.
We become and embody neutrality when we see the whole truth, embrace that reality, and continue to follow our own moral code and values regardless of what the external world is doing. We learn to walk with our shadow and with our light. We learn that both are necessary and essential parts of who we are in each and every moment. That is how we become truly authentic and a fully embodied, balanced and whole individual.
~Suzanne Wagner~