Numerology for December 21, 2024
12/21/2024 is the number – 14
1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 14
1 + 4 = 5
Today is the number 5. It is a number of healing and the transformation that can happen when we are willing to go deep and find acceptance.
In this moment, we look to see what the long-term impacts are going to be that will eventually bring us some sort of healing and better balance.
We recognize that we cannot heal or help others if we have nothing inside to offer. We instead turn to moving first to address our own needs over the needs of others. We see the steps but more importantly we see the longer-term goals that are going to be necessary for us to work through over the next many years.
Personal goals right now matter the most. Focus on where your gifts are and allow them to evolve and mature into something that might be able to stand the tests of time.
Reflection allows us to learn how to accept and through acceptance we finally begin to heal. This number is all about that acceptance and the willingness to be honest and reflective in our actions and choices over the many years of our lives.
Karma can often compel us to do things that upon later reflection we think, “Why did I do that?” Karma takes us on often harder roads that emotionally pulled us towards learning some difficult lessons. The question becomes if we learned those lessons or if we just kept falling into the same traps.
You see, transmuting karma is all about learning the lessons and not falling for the same things again and again. That is how you really know you learned the lesson.
Because then later, if one of those patterns comes back … instead of feeling pulled, one has discernment and sees the pattern so clearly, that we are finally at a place of choice.
You know you are healed (the number 5) from that pattern when the emotional pull no longer has the ability to trick us to fall into that trap once again.
~Suzanne Wagner~